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12 Chuyên đề tiếng anh lớp 12 MỚI NHẤT được soạn dưới dạng file word gồm 12 FILE trang. Các bạn xem và tải chuyên đề tiếng anh lớp 12 về ở dưới.

DẠNG 01: VERB TENSES (Thì của động từ)

Task: Finish the second sentences so that it has similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words.

(Hoàn thành câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng từ cho sẵn đầu câu).

A. Past simple tense with “used to”. (Quá khứ đơn với “used to”)

When Barbara was in Italy, she stayed with an Italian family.

🡺 Barbara used _______________________________________________________.

2. Mert never smoked at all when he was at the university but now he smokes ten cigarettes a day.

🡺 Mert didn’t _________________________________________________________.

3. When I was a young girl, chocolate was one of my favorites.

🡺 Chocolate used ______________________________________________________.

4. I don’t like travelling by train now.

🡺 I used _____________________________________________________________.

5. Mr. Michel grew tulips but he doesn’t any more.

🡺 Mr. Michel used _____________________________________________________.

6. I prefer listening to classical music now, although when I was young I couldn’t stand it.

🡺 I didn’t ____________________________________________________________.

7. I have just lost interest in my work.

🡺 I used _____________________________________________________________.

8. Dennis gave up playing football one year ago.

🡺 Dennis used ________________________________________________________.

9. There were many tree-lined streets in my hometown but now there is none of them.

🡺 There used _________________________________________________________.

10. Children didn’t play with high-tech devices at an early age but now they do.

🡺 Children didn’t ______________________________________________________.

B. Present perfect (continuous) tense and Past simple tense. [Hiện tại hoàn thành (tiếp diễn) và Quá khứ đơn]

Eight years ago, we started writing to each other.

🡺 We have __________________________________________________________.

2. My father hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month.

🡺 It’s a _____________________________________________________________.

3. Mr. Brown bought this car five years ago.

🡺 Mr. Brown has _____________________________________________________.

4. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.

🡺 It’s years __________________________________________________________.

5. It’s a long time since we last went to the cinema.

🡺 We haven’t ________________________________________________________.

6. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.

🡺 He hasn’t _________________________________________________________.

7. How long is it since he last wrote to you?

🡺 When ____________________________________________________________?

8. She hasn’t had a swim since she graduated from university.

🡺 She last __________________________________________________________.

9. Robert and Catherine have been married for ten years.

🡺 It’s' ______________________________________________________________.

10. When did they start to learn Spanish?

🡺 How long ________________________________________________________?

C. Present perfect tense and comparison. (Hiện tại hoàn thành và câu so sánh)

I have never read such a romantic story.

🡺 This is ___________________________________________________________.

2. It is the most beautiful building that I have ever seen.

🡺 I have ___________________________________________________________.

3. You will never meet anyone more dangerous than Mrs. Jones.

🡺 Mrs. Jones is ______________________________________________________.

4. Man has never had such efficient servants as computer.

🡺 Computer ________________________________________________________.

5. This is the best film I have seen in my life.

🡺 I’ve _____________________________________________________________.

6. Mr. Hung is the most intelligent person I’ve ever known.

🡺 I have ___________________________________________________________.

7. This is the best music he has ever heard.

🡺 He’s ____________________________________________________________.

8. I have never seen a dirtier-looking dog than this.

🡺 This _____________________________________________________________.

9. This is the most expensive dress she’s had.

🡺 She _____________________________________________________________.

10. This is the fastest moving car I’ve ever driven.

🡺 I have ___________________________________________________________.

D. Present perfect with adverbs of time. (Hiện tại hoàn thành với các trạng từ chỉ thời gian)

The last time she saw her elder sister was in 1999.

🡺 She hasn’t ________________________________________________________.

2. This is the first time I have seen this film.

🡺 I have never ______________________________________________________.

3. She hasn’t written to US since last year.

🡺 The last time ______________________________________________________.

4. This is the first time I have had such a delicious meal.

🡺 I haven’t _________________________________________________________.

5. The last time we went swimming was when we were in our hometown.

🡺 I haven’t _________________________________________________________.

6. This is the first time we’ve been to a night club.

🡺 We _____________________________________________________________.

7. I haven’t been to a concert for over a year.

🡺 The last time ______________________________________________________.

8. I haven’t been to Taiwan for two years.

🡺 The last time ______________________________________________________.

9. I haven’t been to this place before.

🡺 It is ______________________________________________________________.

10. The last time I went camping was when I was in Hue.

🡺 I haven’t __________________________________________________________.

DẠNG 01: VERB TENSES (Thì của động từ)

Task: Finish the second sentences so that it has similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words.

(Hoàn thành câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng từ cho sẵn đầu câu).

A. Past simple tense with “used to”. (Quá khứ đơn với “used to”)

When Barbara was in Italy, she stayed with an Italian family.

🡺 Barbara used _______________________________________________________.

2. Mert never smoked at all when he was at the university but now he smokes ten cigarettes a day.

🡺 Mert didn’t _________________________________________________________.

3. When I was a young girl, chocolate was one of my favorites.

🡺 Chocolate used ______________________________________________________.

4. I don’t like travelling by train now.

🡺 I used _____________________________________________________________.

5. Mr. Michel grew tulips but he doesn’t any more.

🡺 Mr. Michel used _____________________________________________________.

6. I prefer listening to classical music now, although when I was young I couldn’t stand it.

🡺 I didn’t ____________________________________________________________.

7. I have just lost interest in my work.

🡺 I used _____________________________________________________________.

8. Dennis gave up playing football one year ago.

🡺 Dennis used ________________________________________________________.

9. There were many tree-lined streets in my hometown but now there is none of them.

🡺 There used _________________________________________________________.

10. Children didn’t play with high-tech devices at an early age but now they do.

🡺 Children didn’t ______________________________________________________.

B. Present perfect (continuous) tense and Past simple tense. [Hiện tại hoàn thành (tiếp diễn) và Quá khứ đơn]

Eight years ago, we started writing to each other.

🡺 We have __________________________________________________________.

2. My father hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month.

🡺 It’s a _____________________________________________________________.

3. Mr. Brown bought this car five years ago.

🡺 Mr. Brown has _____________________________________________________.

4. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much for years.

🡺 It’s years __________________________________________________________.

5. It’s a long time since we last went to the cinema.

🡺 We haven’t ________________________________________________________.

6. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.

🡺 He hasn’t _________________________________________________________.

7. How long is it since he last wrote to you?

🡺 When ____________________________________________________________?

8. She hasn’t had a swim since she graduated from university.

🡺 She last __________________________________________________________.

9. Robert and Catherine have been married for ten years.

🡺 It’s' ______________________________________________________________.

10. When did they start to learn Spanish?

🡺 How long ________________________________________________________?

C. Present perfect tense and comparison. (Hiện tại hoàn thành và câu so sánh)

I have never read such a romantic story.

🡺 This is ___________________________________________________________.

2. It is the most beautiful building that I have ever seen.

🡺 I have ___________________________________________________________.

3. You will never meet anyone more dangerous than Mrs. Jones.

🡺 Mrs. Jones is ______________________________________________________.

4. Man has never had such efficient servants as computer.

🡺 Computer ________________________________________________________.

5. This is the best film I have seen in my life.

🡺 I’ve _____________________________________________________________.

6. Mr. Hung is the most intelligent person I’ve ever known.

🡺 I have ___________________________________________________________.

7. This is the best music he has ever heard.

🡺 He’s ____________________________________________________________.

8. I have never seen a dirtier-looking dog than this.

🡺 This _____________________________________________________________.

9. This is the most expensive dress she’s had.

🡺 She _____________________________________________________________.

10. This is the fastest moving car I’ve ever driven.

🡺 I have ___________________________________________________________.

D. Present perfect with adverbs of time. (Hiện tại hoàn thành với các trạng từ chỉ thời gian)

The last time she saw her elder sister was in 1999.

🡺 She hasn’t ________________________________________________________.

2. This is the first time I have seen this film.

🡺 I have never ______________________________________________________.

3. She hasn’t written to US since last year.

🡺 The last time ______________________________________________________.

4. This is the first time I have had such a delicious meal.

🡺 I haven’t _________________________________________________________.

5. The last time we went swimming was when we were in our hometown.

🡺 I haven’t _________________________________________________________.

6. This is the first time we’ve been to a night club.

🡺 We _____________________________________________________________.

7. I haven’t been to a concert for over a year.

🡺 The last time ______________________________________________________.

8. I haven’t been to Taiwan for two years.

🡺 The last time ______________________________________________________.

9. I haven’t been to this place before.

🡺 It is ______________________________________________________________.

10. The last time I went camping was when I was in Hue.

🡺 I haven’t __________________________________________________________.


Task: Write new sentences as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentences, using the given words in brackets. Do not change the given words in any way.

(Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng từ được gợi ý trong ngoặc và không làm thay đổi dạng của từ).

A. Comparative and equal comparison with adjectives. (So sánh hơn và so sánh ngang bằng với tính từ)

Her old company is larger than her new one. (LARGE)


2. The black dress is more expensive than the red one. (CHEAPER)


3. According to me, English is more difficult than Literature. (LESS)


4. The Mekong river is longer than the Red river. (NOT)


5. Bill is not as tall as David. (SHORTER)


6. The film about my village is more interesting than the book. (NOT)


7. We are very busy at work today but we are not as busy as that every day. (BUSIER)


8. I thought the trip would be interesting, but it wasn’t. (BORING)


9. It is much more difficult to speak English than to speak French. (AS)


10. Ms. John is not so nice as Ms. Smith. (NICER)


B. Comparative and equal comparison with adverbs. (So sánh hơn và so sánh ngang bằng với trạng từ)

They understand more than we do. (MUCH)


2. I can’t cook as well as my mother does. (BETTER)


3. Jane decorated the dish more beautifully than I did. (NOT)


4. Jim seems to care less about his health than he should. (MORE)


5. Today the Sun shines more brightly than yesterday. (AS)


6. I think a computer will be more helpful for you than a smartphone. (HELPFUL)


7. I am not an as good tennis player as Henry is. (BETTER)


8. He speaks more persuasively than his brother. (AN)


9. Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers. (NOT)


10. My sister writes more carefully than she did. (USED TO)


C. Superlative sentences with adjectives and adverbs. (So sánh nhất với tính từ và trạng từ)

This is the best film I’ve seen. (NEVER)


2. No one in my class is more intelligent than Lan. (MOST)


3. I have never met anyone more interesting than Mr. Hung. (THE)


4. No student in my class speaks English as fluently as Phuong does. (FLUENTLY)


5. This story is more boring than any other story that I have ever read. (THE)


6. Murder is the most serious of all crimes. (NO)


7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. (HIGHER)


8. Have you got any more expensive dress than this one? (EXPENSIVE)


9. No one in the company works more productively than he does. (MOST)


10. She can pronounce English words more correctly than anyone in our class. (THE)


D. Comparison with ‘as … as’, ‘the same (…) as’ and ‘different from …’. (So sánh với ‘as … as’, ‘the same (…) as’ và ‘different from …’)

My T-shirt is not the same as yours bought yesterday. (DIFFERENT)


2. My mother and my aunt are the same weight. (HEAVY)


3. The white car is much cheaper than the black car. (PRICE)


4. This dining table and that one over there are the same size. (BIG)


5. My old school has a large yard but my new one doesn’t. (FROM)


6. Can Tho bridge is as long as Thang Long bridge. (LENGTH)


7. Phuc and Minh are the same height. (AS)


8. My daughter is ten years old, so is her daughter. (SAME)


9. Life in foreign countries is different from life in home country. (NOT)


10. This art museum is not the same as the historical museum. (DEFINITELY)


E. Comparison with nouns. (So sánh với danh từ)

My class has 45 students but my brother’s class only have 36 students. (MORE)


2. My brother has more friends than my sister. (FEWER)


3. My father spends more time repairing household appliances than my mother. (MUCH)


4. My mother bought more food and drinks than her mother. (LESS)


5. Does a mango contain more sugar than an apple? (LESS)


6. spend more time watching TV than my younger sister does. (LESS)


7. People in developed countries use more money on health care and education than in underdeveloped countries. (DON’T)


8. Are there more health centres in my city now than ten years ago? (FEWER)


9. There are more wealthy people in big cities than in the countryside. (FEWER)


10. The standards of living in the cities shows more improvements than in rural areas. (MUCH)


F. Double comparison with ‘The more …, the more …’. (So sánh kép với ‘The more …, the more …’)

Success depends on hard work. (HARDER)


2. My sister works better when she is pressed for time. (LESS)


3. His interest in the game increased with his proficiency. (MORE)


4. When you get near to the Equator, the temperature becomes high. (NEARER)


5. The value of a picture depends on how famous the artist is. (VALUABLE)


6. If you stay in Vietnam for a long time, your Vietnamese will be very good. (BETTER)


As the streets become busier, they will be more and more dangerous for commuters. (MORE)


8. The development in the economy makes people’s living condition better. (MORE)


9. The development in the economy makes people’s living condition better. (MORE)


10. The children are excited with the difficult games. (EXCITED)


DẠNG 03: PASSIVE VOICE (Thức bị động)

Task: Finish the second sentences so that it has similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words.

(Hoàn thành câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng từ cho sẵn đầu câu).

A. Passive voice with verb tenses. (Câu bị động với các thì của động từ)

They didn’t allow Tom to take these books home.

🡺 Tom wasn’t ________________________________________________________.

2. Workers were digging a large hole in the ground.

🡺 A large hole ________________________________________________________.

3. What language do people speak in this country?

🡺 What language _____________________________________________________.

4. The examiner will read the passage 3 times.

🡺 The passage _______________________________________________________.

5. I am translating an article into Vietnamese.

🡺 An article _________________________________________________________.

6. This is the first time they have written to us about this.

🡺 This is ___________________________________________________________.

7. Someone had invented electric lights before I was born.

🡺 Electric lights ______________________________________________________.

8. Has anyone ever asked you for your opinion?

🡺 Have you _________________________________________________________.

9. Is he going to look after the children when you cook meals?

🡺 Are the children ____________________________________________________.

10. By this time tomorrow, the president will have made the announcement.

🡺 By this time tomorrow, _______________________________________________.

B. Passive voice with modal verbs. (Câu bị động với động từ khuyết thiếu)

Visitors must leave umbrellas in the cloakroom.

🡺 Umbrella _______________________________________________________.

2. The children will be taken to the park by the teacher.

🡺 The teacher_____________________________________________________.

3. Passengers shouldn’t throw away their tickets as inspectors may check them during the journey.

🡺 Passengers’ tickets _______________________________________________.

4. Members may keep books for 3 weeks.

🡺 Books _________________________________________________________.

5. You should open the wine about 3 hours before you use it.

🡺 The wine _______________________________________________________.

6. When they have widened this street, the roar of the traffic will keep residents awake all night.

🡺 When this street _________________________________________________.

7. They ought to have reported the accident to the police.

🡺 The accident ____________________________________________________.

8. My sister must prepare breakfast before she goes to work every day.

🡺 Breakfast _______________________________________________________.

9. Nina shall call you as soon as she arrives.

🡺 You ____________________________________________________________.

10. The report should be finished by Mark next week and he is trying to complete it.

🡺 Mark ____________________________________________________________.

C. Passive voice with two objects. (Câu bị động với hai tân ngữ)

Their grandmother told them this story when they visited her last week.

🡺 They were _________________________________________________________.

2. They asked me some questions at the interview.

🡺 I was _____________________________________________________________.

3. They hadn’t given me the information I needed.

🡺 The information I needed _____________________________________________.

4. Have you sent the Christmas cards to your family?

🡺 Have the Christmas cards _____________________________________________?

5. They have given the women in most countries in the world the right to vote in election.

🡺 The women ________________________________________________________.

6. She didn’t show me this special camera.

🡺 I was not __________________________________________________________.

7. Will Amy’s company give her some money when she retires?

🡺 Will _______________________________________________________________?

8. The board awarded the first prize to the reporter.

🡺 The first prize ______________________________________________________.

9. She bought some cups of tea to the visitors in the next room.

🡺 Some cups of tea ___________________________________________________.

10. Have they provided the victims with food and clothing since the storm last month.

🡺 Have food and clothing _______________________________________________?

D. Passive voice with ‘to V’ and ‘V-ing’. (Câu bị động với ‘to V’ và ‘V-ing’)

She admitted stealing my car last week.

🡺 My car __________________________________________________________.

2. They avoided meeting me because they didn’t like me.

🡺 I _______________________________________________________________.

3. There were nine students in the hall. The teacher told them to keep silent during the time.

🡺 Nine students _____________________________________________________.

4. I used to take him to the city when he was a little boy.

🡺 He ______________________________________________________________.

5. I hate people laughing at me.

🡺 I ________________________________________________________________.

6. I don’t enjoy them making me do the work.

🡺 I don’t ___________________________________________________________.

7. They expected me to meet them at the airport.

🡺 They ____________________________________________________________.

8. She offered to give me a chance to be a teacher at the school.

🡺 I _______________________________________________________________.

9. Your house will look like very beautiful once you have finished decorating it with bright pictures.

🡺 Your house _______________________________________________________.

10. When I was 10 years old, my father didn’t allow me to go fishing with my friends.

🡺 I ________________________________________________________________.

E. Passive voice with verbs of perception. (Câu bị động với các động từ chỉ nhận thức)

I have heard her sing this song several times.

🡺 She has _________________________________________________________.

2. Some people saw him steal your car.

🡺 Your car _________________________________________________________.

3. The detective saw the woman putting the jewelry in her bag.

🡺 The woman _______________________________________________________.

4. They notice you climbing over the window.

🡺 They _____________________________________________________________.

5. People saw that man rush out of the bank after the robbery.

🡺 That man _________________________________________________________.

6. I see him bath his dog now.

🡺 He _______________________________________________________________.

7. They have looked the children skipping in the school yard several times.

🡺 The children _______________________________________________________.

8. We notice Nam cooking the lunch for his wife with a lot of happiness on his face.

🡺 Nam _____________________________________________________________.

9. We watched two men running across the garden and climbing through an open window into the house.

🡺 Two men _________________________________________________________.

10. When I walked into the house, I noticed my sister reading a small note.

🡺 When I ___________________________________________________________.

F. Passive voice with reporting verbs. (Câu bị động với các động từ tường thuật)

People believe that he was killed by terrorists.

🡺 He _______________________________________________________________.

2. We knew that you were in town on the night of the crime.

🡺 You ______________________________________________________________.

3. It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods.

🡺 Many people _______________________________________________________.

4. People think that Tom stole food in the supermarket 3 days ago.

🡺 It is ______________________________________________________________.

5. People considered that she was the best singer that Australian has ever produced all the time.

🡺 She ______________________________________________________________.

6. It is expected that the weather will be good tomorrow.

🡺 People ____________________________________________________________.

7. It is found that she drove through the town at 50 miles an hour.

🡺 She ______________________________________________________________.

8. It is reported that several Japanese manufactures are planning to set up plants overseas.

🡺 Several Japanese manufactures _______________________________________.

9. They rumoured that the man was still living in London.

🡺 It _______________________________________________________________.

10. People say that Jack London’s life and writings represent the American love of adventure.

🡺 Jack London’s life and writings ________________________________________.

G. Passive voice with causative form. (Câu bị động với thể cầu khiến)

I have my brother repair my computer for me.

🡺 I have ____________________________________________________________.

2. We are going to get our water pipe fixed by the plumber.

🡺 We are going to ____________________________________________________.

3. have had Peter wash my car already.

🡺 I have ____________________________________________________________.

4. She had a porter carry her luggage when she arrived at the airport yesterday.

🡺 She had __________________________________________________________.

5. Could you please get John to take US to Lan’s house tomorrow afternoon?

🡺 Could you ________________________________________________________.

6. I never get my clothes washed by my father.

🡺 I never __________________________________________________________.

7. Minh has just got his neighbor to post a letter for him because he has a broken leg.

🡺 Minh has _________________________________________________________.

8. It’s about time you had somebody whitewash your house.

🡺 It’s about time _____________________________________________________.

9. The villagers have got the use of washing machine explained by this engineer.

🡺 The villagers ______________________________________________________.

10. The government has had new houses built in the rural areas.

🡺 The government ___________________________________________________.

H. Other cases. (Các trường hợp khác)

It is difficult for me to finish this test in one hour.

🡺 It is ___________________________________________________________.

2. It is necessary to complete the work.

🡺 The work _______________________________________________________.

3. It is common knowledge that Joe has been in prison several times.

🡺 Joe is known ____________________________________________________.

4. Nobody has used this room for ages.

🡺 This room _______________________________________________________.

5. Don’t ask for another book until you finish this one.

🡺 You are _________________________________________________________.

6. Remember to check your telephone number.

🡺 Your ____________________________________________________________.

7. Are you interested in the film you saw last night?

🡺 Are you __________________________________________________________.

8. It’s your duty to check all the documents before the meeting starts.

🡺 All the documents __________________________________________________.

9. It’s no use asking them to stay at home. They can’t help joining the party.

🡺 Something ________________________________________________________.

10. The tea was so hot that no one would drink it.

🡺 The tea ___________________________________________________________.

DẠNG 04: REPORTED SPEECH (Lời nói gián tiếp)

Task: Finish the second sentences so that it has similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words.

(Hoàn thành câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi, sử dụng từ cho sẵn đầu câu).

A. Reported statement with verb tenses. (Câu gián tiếp với các thì của động từ)

“I have been working here for five years.” she said.

🡺 She said that _____________________________________________________.

2. “We don’t want to discuss this matter again.” they said.

🡺 They said that ____________________________________________________.

3. “I didn’t study hard, so I failed the exam years ago.” he said to me.

🡺 He told me _______________________________________________________.

4. “The secretary hasn’t finished typing the letter yet.” he said.

🡺 He said that ______________________________________________________.

5. “We were walking when we saw the terrible accident.” they said.

🡺 They said that _____________________________________________________.

6. “I am helping my father paint this wall right now.” he said to US.

🡺 He told us ________________________________________________________.

7. “She is the most intelligent woman I have ever met.” he said.

🡺 He said that _______________________________________________________.

8. “The flight to Canada was cancelled yesterday evening.” he said to me.

🡺 He told me ________________________________________________________.

9. “I’m going to start my own photography business next month, so now I need your help.” he said.

🡺 He said that _______________________________________________________.

10. Susan said “You don’t know what Bob is doing”.

🡺 Susan said that _____________________________________________________.

B. Reported statement with modal verbs. (Câu bị động với các động từ khuyết thiếu)

“You must report the accident to the policeman.” she said to me.

🡺 She told me that ___________________________________________________.

2. “You should read this magazine yesterday.” he said to her.

🡺 He told her that ____________________________________________________.

3. My parents said, “We’ll phone you when we get back”.

🡺 My parents said that ________________________________________________.

4. “Your English can be improved very quickly because you are working so hard this semester.” Peter said.

🡺 Peter told me that __________________________________________________.

5. “We can’t manage our business successfully without her father’s money.” the couple said.

🡺 The couple said that _________________________________________________.

6. “We won’t leave until we see the manager.” said the customers.

🡺 The customer said that _______________________________________________.

7. “I will arrive before my brother comes to the airport.” Peter told her.

🡺 Peter told her ______________________________________________________.

8. “I can’t go to your birthday party next Saturday evening, Jack”, said Mary.

🡺 Mary told Jack _____________________________________________________.

9. “My biggest aunt may drop by and have dinner at my home tomorrow.” she said.

🡺 She said that ______________________________________________________.

10. The teacher said, “We can collect old books for the poor students in our area.”

🡺 The teacher told that _______________________________________________.

C. Reported speech with Yes/No questions. (Câu gián tiếp với câu hỏi dạng trả lời Yes/No)

“Were you reading this book at 8 o’clock last Sunday evening?” she asked Ba.

🡺 She asked Ba if ____________________________________________________.

2. “Will it be dangerous to stand here?” they asked me.

🡺 They asked me if ___________________________________________________.

3. “Does it take you much time to draw this picture?” he asked her.

🡺 He asked her ______________________________________________________.

4. “Did they accept your application for the job?” I asked her.

🡺 I asked her ________________________________________________________.

5. “Will she look after the children when you go away?” he asked.

🡺 He wanted to know __________________________________________________.

6. “Have the astronauts ever forgotten anything from the Earth?” Nick asked his teacher.

🡺 Nick asked his teacher _______________________________________________.

7. “Do I have to move the lawn in our garden today?” Tom said.

🡺 Tom wanted to know ________________________________________________.

8. “Are you going to visit NASA next Thursday?” said Mai to Dr. Taylor.

🡺 Mai asked Dr. Taylor ________________________________________________.

9. “May I talk with you for a while after you finish your homework tomorrow?” she asked me.

🡺 She asked _________________________________________________________.

10. “Can you tell me something about Jupiter?” the boy asked his sister.

🡺 The boy asked his sister ______________________________________________.

D. Reported speech with H/Wh-questions. (Câu gián tiếp với các câu hỏi có từ để hỏi)

“Why did you do it when I told you not to?” she said to me.

🡺 She asked me _____________________________________________________.

2. “How long have you worked for this company?” she asked.

🡺 She wanted to know ________________________________________________.

3. “Where did you spend your holiday last year?” they asked me.

🡺 They asked me ____________________________________________________.

4. “Where is he working? I want to see him now.” she said.

🡺 She wanted to know ________________________________________________.

5. “What can I do for you, Peter?” she asked.

🡺 She asked ________________________________________________________.

6. “How does she express these words?” they asked him.

🡺 They asked him ____________________________________________________.

7. “When did you paint this wall? It looks bright.” she said to me.

🡺 She asked me _____________________________________________________.

8. “Why didn’t you open your eyes to see US?” my parents asked me.

🡺 My parents wanted to know __________________________________________.

9. “What do you want to cook for breakfast, mommy?” Kate asked.

🡺 Kate asked her mother ______________________________________________.

10. “Which way are you planning to go to the beach?” Mary asked us.

🡺 Mary asked us _____________________________________________________.

E. Reported statement with imperatives. (Câu gián tiếp với thức mệnh lệnh)

“Don’t touch this button or you will get a shock, Ha.” his father said.

🡺 Ha’s father told her __________________________________________________.

2. “Don’t make noise because I am listening to music now.” he said to me.

🡺 He asked me _______________________________________________________.

3. Jenny said to him: “Please lend me your car to carry this cargo to the train station because my dad needs it right now.”

🡺 Jenny told him ______________________________________________________.

4. “Please bring your outfit over here if it has any damage.” the teacher said to students.

🡺 The teacher asked the students ________________________________________.

5. “Don’t turn on the indoor heater when nobody is here.” Max’s mother said to him.

🡺 Max’s mother told him ________________________________________________.

6. “Don’t drive when you’re on the phone.” Mary’s father said to her.

🡺 Mary’s father told her _________________________________________________.

7. “Be careful or you will make some mistakes.” they asked.

🡺 They told me _______________________________________________________.

8. “Wait for me for a minute.” I said to him.

🡺 I told him __________________________________________________________.

9. “Don’t open books while you are doing this exercise.” the teacher said.

🡺 The teacher told us __________________________________________________.

10. “Stop your work now.” he said to me.

🡺 He asked me _______________________________________________________.

F. Reported speech with conditional sentences. (Câu gián tiếp với câu điều kiện)

“If the weather is fine, I will go on a picnic with my friends.” she said.

🡺 She said __________________________________________________________.

2. “What would you do if you had three days off?” I asked him.

🡺 I asked him _______________________________________________________.

3. “I would come to see you if I knew your address, Jim” she said.

🡺 She told Jim _______________________________________________________.

4. “If today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to school.” They said to me.

🡺 They told me ______________________________________________________.

5. She said to me, “If I were you, I wouldn’t tell her about this.”

🡺 She told me _______________________________________________________.

6. “You will be surprised if you meet him.” Peter said to Linda.

🡺 Peter told Linda ____________________________________________________.

7. “What would you do if you saw a snake?” Nam asked Nga.

🡺 Nam asked Nga ____________________________________________________.

8. “We’ll have lunch outside in the garden if it’s not cold.” Mr. John said.

🡺 Mr. John said ______________________________________________________.

9. “Would it be alright if I had a day off?” she said to her boss.

🡺 She asked her boss _________________________________________________.

10. “What will you do if I don’t give you a pay rise.” the boss said to her.

🡺 The boss asked her _________________________________________________.

G. Reported speech with ‘to V’. (Câu gián tiếp với ‘to V’)

“Sure, I don’t mind at all if you use my typewriter. Go ahead.”

🡺 He allowed me _____________________________________________________.

2. “Don’t forget: you’ve got to hand in your work this evening.”

🡺 He reminded me ___________________________________________________.

3. “Mr. Brown, this is Miss White.” he said.

🡺 He introduced _____________________________________________________.

4. “Come and have dinner with US.” Rosy said to John.

🡺 Rosy persuaded ___________________________________________________.

5. “Remember to write to me soon.” she said to me.

🡺 She reminded _____________________________________________________.

6. “You’d better spend more time learning to write.” I said to the boy.

🡺 I advised _________________________________________________________.

7. “Would you like me to help you with the cooking, Tom?” Laura said.

🡺 Laura offered _____________________________________________________.

8. “Would you like to go camping with US next weekend?” said John to An.

🡺 John invited ______________________________________________________.

9. “If you type this letter out for me, I’ll buy you a drink.” he said.

🡺 He promised ______________________________________________________.

10. “You can stay in my house when I am on holiday.” Jim said.

🡺 Jim told us ________________________________________________________.

H. Reported speech with ‘V-ing’. (Câu gián tiếp với ‘V-ing’)

“If only I had told him the truth!”

🡺 Jane regrets _______________________________________________________.

2. “I haven’t finished the assignment yet. I’m really sorry”.

🡺 The boy apologized _________________________________________________.

3. “It’s you who took my bag.” said the man to the boy.

🡺 The man accused __________________________________________________.

4. “What I always want is to become a doctor.” she said.

🡺 She dreamt _______________________________________________________.

5. “I can’t let you use the mobile phone.” his mother said.

🡺 His mother prevented _______________________________________________.

6. “It’s really nice of you to visit me.” she said to him.

🡺 She thanked ______________________________________________________.

7. “I don’t think that we must widen the village road”, he said.

🡺 He objected _______________________________________________________.

8. “I hear you passed your exams. Congratulations!” Mark said to us.

🡺 Mark congratulated __________________________________________________.

9. “I’m sorry that I broke the glass.” said Peter.

🡺 Peter apologized ____________________________________________________.

10. “Why don’t we go to the beach tonight for a change?” said Henry.

🡺 Henry suggested ____________________________________________________.






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