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BỘ Bài tập bổ trợ tiếng anh 12 friends global NĂM 2024-2025 được soạn dưới dạng file word, pdf gồm CÁC FILE trang. Các bạn xem và tải bài tập bổ trợ tiếng anh 12 friends global về ở dưới.
1 Read the clues and complete the grid. Find the mystery word.
1 2
5 6
Vocabulary Review
1 If you move to another country, you …
2 Another way of saying ‘die’ is ‘… away’.
3 If you stop working, you …
4 If you end your marriage, you get …
5 If you receive money or property when
someone dies, you … it.
6 If you agree to marry someone, you get …
7 If your children have children, you become a …
The mystery word is:
2 Complete the text with the words below.
ended fell got keep left managed moved persuaded started to
3 Write the correct terms to describe these people.
1 Ben is 46. He’s m -aged.
2 Sarah is four months old. She’s an i .
3 Tom is 100. He’s a c .
4 June is 87. She’s e .
5 Ricky is nineteen. He’s in his t .
6 Polly is two. She’s a t .
7 Ricky, June, Ben and Tom are all a .
4 SPEAKING Work in pairs to play ‘Fortune Tellers’. Then swap roles. Tell the rest of the class about your
predictions for your partner.
Student A: You are a very dramatic fortune teller. Make some unusual predictions about your partner’s future.
Student B: You are visiting a fortune teller. Ask questions to find out what will happen to you in the future.
My grandparents, Jack and Grace, first met in 1958 when they were fourteen years old and they
1 in love immediately. They both 2 school when they were sixteen and they
married four years later. They couldn’t afford 4 buy a house, so for the first
year of their marriage, they lived with Grace’s parents. Jack 5 to get a job as a builder
and Grace 6 a business making and selling jewellery from home. They 7 to
their own flat in 1965. Grace’s business started to become very successful, and in 1966, Grace
8 Jack to leave his job and to work with her. They’re in their seventies now, but they
making jewellery even today! In fact, their business was so successful that they
up owning one of the biggest jewellery companies in the north of England!
Will I get married?
Yes. You will get married six times and
you will have eighteen children.
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 11 Vocabulary Review
Aims: To review and practise vocabulary from the unit.
Time: 15–20 minutes
Materials: 1 handout for each student
• Explain to students that they are going to do the first
three exercises as a team. Divide them into groups of
three and ask them to think of a team name. Then give
each student a copy of the handout face down and
tell them not to look at it until you say Go! Set a time
limit, then ask them to turn their handouts over, write
their team name at the top and do exercises 1–3. When
the time is up, ask them to swap their handout with
another team and go through the answers as a class.
Ask the teams to count the number of correct answers
they got to check who is the winner.
Exercise 1
1 emigrate 2 pass 3 retire 4 divorced 5 inherit
6 engaged 7 grandparent
Mystery word: married
Exercise 2
1 fell 2 left 3 got 4 to 5 managed 6 started
7 moved 8 persuaded 9 keep 10 ended
Exercise 3
1 middle
2 infant
3 centenarian
4 elderly
5 teens
6 toddler
7 adults
Exercise 4
• Students work in pairs. Student A is the fortune teller.
Student B is visiting the fortune teller. Encourage
Student A to make some very dramatic predictions
about Student B’s future. Give students a few minutes
to do the role-play and then ask them to swap roles.
Finally, ask pairs of students to tell the rest of the class
about their predictions. You could ask the class to vote
on the most exciting / dramatic / silly predictions.
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 21 Read the Learn this! box on page 5 of the Student’s Book, then complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple, present continuous, will or going to.
1 The history exam (start) at half past two this afternoon.
2 My sister is really annoying. She (always / borrow) my clothes!
3 My cousin doesn’t know what he wants to do when he leaves school, but I think he
probably (be) an actor because he loves drama.
4 We usually (walk) to school, but this morning we (take) the bus because it’s raining
so heavily at the moment.
5 A: Where (you / go) on your next holiday?
B: I don’t know. Perhaps I (visit) my friend in Athens.
6 I promise I (send) you an email later today.
7 When you (finish) your homework, call me.
8 They (play) tennis at the moment, but they’ll be back after lunch.
2 Choose the correct words to complete the phone conversation.
Steve Hi, Mike! What 1do you do / are you doing?
Mike I 2’m reading / read my cousins’ blog. They 3travelled / ’re travelling around the UK at the moment.
Steve Where 4do they live / are they living?
Mike Oh, they’re from Madrid, but they’re here on a cycling holiday.
Steve 5Did they just arrive / Have they just arrived in the UK?
Mike No, actually. They 6’ve been / were here for five days already. They 7flew / were flying from Madrid to
Newcastle last Tuesday.
Steve So how many miles 8do / will they cycle every day?
Mike Usually, it’s about 70 miles a day. But yesterday they 9don’t / didn’t cycle at all. Miguel 10had / has
fallen off his bike the day before and he wanted to have a break for a day. And it 11 has been / was
raining yesterday as well. So they 12stayed / were staying with my grandmother and 13watched / were
watching TV! They 14wrote / ’ve been writing about their experiences every day on their blog. It’s
really funny. I 15’ll / have send you the link – I promise you 16love / ’ll love it!
Steve Cool! So what 17will they / are they going to do next?
Mike Well, they’ve only got three more days in the UK. They 18’re spending / spend the weekend in London
and then their flight back to Spain 19will leave / leaves at 7 o’clock on Monday morning.
Steve They 20’re going to be / are very tired by the time they get back to Spain!
3 SPEAKING Write questions using the prompts. Then ask and answer the questions in pairs.
Student A
1 What / you / already / do / today?
2 What / you / do / tomorrow?
3 What / you / do / at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon?
4 Where / you / be / in the year 2040?
Student B
1 What / you / already / eat / today?
2 Where / you / go / at the weekend?
3 What / you / do / at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon?
4 Where / you / be / in ten years’ time?
Grammar Review
✂ ✂
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 31 Grammar Review
Aims: To review and practise grammar from the unit.
Time: 15–20 minutes
Materials: 1 handout for each student
Exercise 1
• Give each student a handout and ask them to do the
exercise individually. Tell students that they will need
to use the present simple, present continuous, will or
going to. Go through the different uses of these tenses,
referring to the Learn this! boxes on page 5 if necessary.
Students then complete the sentences with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
• Check answers with the class.
1 starts
2 ’s always borrowing
3 will, be
4 walk, ’re taking
5 are you going to go, ’ll visit
6 ’ll send
7 finish
8 ’re playing
Exercise 2
• Give students a few minutes to complete the dialogue
by choosing the correct options.
• Ask a couple of students to read out the completed
dialogue and tell the rest of the class to listen and raise
their hands if they think they hear a mistake.
1 are you doing
2 ’m reading
3 ’re travelling
4 do they live
5 Have they just arrived
6 ’ve been
7 flew
8 do
9 didn’t
10 had
11 was
12 stayed
13 watched
14 ’ve been writing
15 ’ll
16 ’ll love
17 are they going to
18 ’re spending
19 leaves
20 ’re going to be
Exercise 3
• Students write full questions using the prompts.
Remind them to think about the correct tense to use
for each question. Check that students have formed
the questions correctly before they go on to ask and
answer in pairs.
Student A
1 What have you already done today?
2 What are you doing / going to do tomorrow?
3 What were you doing at 5 o’clock yesterday
4 Where will you be in the year 2040?
Student B
1 What have you already eaten today?
2 Where are you going / going to go at the weekend?
3 What were you doing at 1 o’clock yesterday
4 Where will you be in ten years’ time?
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 41 Use the words below to complete the definitions.
bad-tempered bossy cautious gullible industrious
selfless sociable spontaneous stingy vain
1 people don’t like spending money.
2 people work very hard.
3 people think about other people before themselves.
4 people love spending time with other people.
5 people often do something without planning it first.
6 people are always thinking about what they look like.
7 people like telling other people what to do.
8 people believe other people’s stories even when they’re obviously not true.
9 people can get angry very quickly.
10 people don’t like taking risks.
2 Choose the correct words to complete the text.
1A What are they like?
My sister Monica is an artist and she’s very 1quick-witted / creative. She writes poetry and draws
amazing pictures. But she can also be quite2cruel / eccentric. Her clothes are often very unusual
and she always sings loudly when she’s walking down the street! She’s friendly and 3untrustworthy /
outgoing and she loves meeting new people. My brother Ted has a very different personality. He’s
quite 4insecure / judgemental and worries a lot about what other people think of him. On the other
hand, that makes him really 5considerate / passionate because he thinks about other people’s
feelings. He’s also very 6sympathetic / self-satisfied if you ever have a problem. But he can be quite
7shrewd / stubborn. If he’s decided to do something, he won’t change his mind.
3 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Choose one of the scenarios (1–4). Then follow the instructions below.
• Choose one adjective each from the box.
• Act out one of the scenarios to another pair. Try to show your adjective in the way that you behave. Can the other
students guess the adjective?
bad-mannered easy-going hard-working light-hearted open-minded
quick-witted self-confident single-minded thick-skinned well-behaved
Scenario 2
A You want to order an unusual pizza.
B You work in a pizza restaurant. The chef is
very bad-tempered.
Scenario 1
A You want to buy two train tickets to Rome.
B You are selling train tickets. There is a big
queue of customers.
Scenario 3
A You don’t feel well.
B You want to go out for the evening.
Scenario 4
A You don’t understand your coursework.
B You are very busy.
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 51A What are they like?
Aims: To review and practise personality adjectives and
to act out some role-plays using the target language.
Time: 10–15 minutes
Materials: 1 handout for each student
Exercise 1
• Give each student a handout and ask them to work
individually or in pairs to do the exercise.
• Students should know all the adjectives from lesson
1A in the Student’s Book. Give them time to read the
definitions and choose the best adjective for each.
• Check answers with the class, focusing on the correct
pronunciation for each adjective.
1 Stingy 2 Industrious 3 Selfless 4 Sociable
5 Spontaneous 6 Vain 7 Bossy 8 Gullible
9 Bad-tempered 10 Cautious
Exercise 2
• Students choose the correct options to complete a
short description. Tell them to read through the whole
text first, to get an idea of the general meaning. They
should then read it again and do the exercise. Remind
them that they should look carefully at the words and
sentences before and after each gap.
• Check answers by asking different students to read out
a completed sentence in turn.
1 creative 2 eccentric 3 outgoing 4 insecure
5 considerate 6 sympathetic 7 stubborn
Exercise 3
• Students work in pairs to choose one of the scenarios
and role-play a dialogue. They each choose one of the
adjectives and demonstrate it in the way they behave,
the things they say and the things they do. Encourage
students to have fun with this activity and to act their
• Go through each scenario with the class first and then
give students, in their pairs, a few minutes to prepare
their scenarios. They then act it out to another pair
who tries to guess the adjectives.
• Ask one or two confident pairs of students to perform
their dialogues to the class.
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 61 Choose the correct options to complete the text.
1B Past perfect simple and past perfect continuous
2 Complete the sentences with the past perfect simple or past perfect continuous form of the verbs below.
already start always know love never have not study play talk watch
1 When I got to the cinema, the film .
2 She to her favourite actor for about half an hour before she realised that he was asleep.
3 Her neighbours loud music all night and she had a terrible headache in the morning.
4 They that one day their band would become famous.
5 He was very musical and singing since he was a child.
6 Within two weeks, two million people her video on YouTube.
7 He an acting class, but he was a natural performer.
8 She for very long before she decided to leave university and look for work as a film extra.
3 SPEAKING Complete these sentences with your own ideas. Put all the pieces of paper into a bag. Then take
turns to pick out one piece of paper and read out the sentence. Can the class guess who wrote them?
Janine loved learning new languages and she 1had always dreamed / had always been dreaming of being an
interpreter. After she 2had finished / had been finishing her Russian degree at university, she got a job as an
interpreter for a local travel company, TravelFast. But after a few years, she began to get a little bored. She
3had worked / had been working for TravelFast for five years when she saw an advertisement for a film
company. They were looking for Russian interpreters. By five o’clock that afternoon she 4had made / had been
making a video of herself speaking Russian and English and the next morning she sent it to the company.
She 5had almost forgotten / had almost been forgetting about the whole thing when, three months later,
she got a call from the director. He 6had looked / had been looking for an actress to play the part of a spy in
his latest movie, and he thought that Janine would be perfect. Janine got the part and within three years she
7had become / had been becoming one of the most highly paid actresses in Hollywood.
By the age of I had ,
but I had never .
I had never before last month .
When I arrived at school, I had .
I got into trouble when I was
because I had .
I had been for two hours / the
whole day / several weeks, when .
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 71B Past perfect simple and
past perfect continuous
Aims: To review and practise the past perfect simple and
past perfect continuous tenses.
Time: 10–15 minutes
Materials: 1 handout for each student
Exercise 1
• Give each student a handout and ask them to work
individually or in pairs to do the exercise.
• Remind them to think about whether the activity
being described was completed before a specific time
in the past or took a long time before a specific time in
the past. If necessary, revise state verbs with the class
• Check answers with the class.
1 had always dreamed
2 had finished
3 had been working
4 had made
5 had almost forgotten
6 had been looking
7 had become
Exercise 2
• Students choose the correct verb and then put it into
the past perfect simple or continuous to complete the
• Check answers with the class.
1 had already started
2 had been talking
3 had been playing
4 had always known
5 had loved
6 had watched
7 had never had
8 hadn’t been studying
Exercise 3
• Students work individually to complete the sentences
with their own ideas. Tell them that they don’t have to
write factual sentences about their own lives – they
can make up interesting facts as long as they are
logical and grammatically correct.
• Students then tear off each sentence strip, fold it up
and place it in a bag or container at the front of the
class. Invite individual students to come up to the bag,
pick out a strip of paper and read it out to the class.
The class guesses who wrote the sentence. If you have
a large class, you could also put students into groups to
play this game.
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 81 Correct the underlined mistake in each sentence. Use the past simple where used to or would are not possible.
1 He would study mathematics at university when he was eighteen.
2 They would hate watching TV when they were children.
3 He used to go to college for five years.
4 She use to spend her weekends at the local museum.
5 We used to win the top prize at the Science Fair last month!
6 My brother would be the best tennis player in our school, but then he broke his arm.
7 Would they earn a lot of money when they were famous?
8 Did you used to enjoy school when you were younger?
2 Complete the dialogue with would or used to and the verb in brackets. Use would where possible.
Jake Hi, Rachel. I’ve just seen this picture of you from three years ago. I didn’t know you 1 (have) long hair.
Rachel Oh yes. It 2 (be) really long. But it 3 (take) hours to dry after swimming, and I
4 (go) to swimming practice every morning before school.
Jake Every morning. Wow! You really 5 (love) swimming!
Rachel Well, I was pretty good at it. I 6 (win) all the local competitions – in fact, I 7 (put) all my
trophies and medals on a special shelf in my room.
Jake So what happened? You don’t swim now.
Rachel No, well, I 8 (not / have) time for anything else. And I 9 (hate) feeling tired every evening.
I still love swimming, but now I just go to the pool at the weekends with my friends.
3 SPEAKING Imagine how these people became so successful. What did they use to do? What didn’t they use to do?
Write four sentences for each person. Then compare your ideas in pairs.
Lily Chen designed a new type
of smartphone when she was
sixteen years old.
Michael Gruber is a famous pianist
and composer. He has written music
for several Hollywood films.
Josh, Leah and Holly are in a band
called ‘The Spikes’. They’ve just
released their first album.
1D used to and would
I think Lily used to love science and technology at school. She would
spend a lot of time designing new gadgets. She didn’t use to …
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 91D used to and would
Aims: To review and practise used to and would for past
Time: 10–15 minutes
Materials: 1 handout for each student
Exercise 1
• Give each student a handout and ask them to work
individually or in pairs to do the exercise.
• Students identify the mistakes and correct them.
Remind them if necessary that we don’t use would
with state verbs or with questions or negative forms.
• Check answers with the class. Remind them that
checking their work and learning to spot mistakes is a
good learning habit.
1 studied
2 used to hate / hated
3 went
4 used to spend
5 won
6 used to be
7 Did they use to earn / Did they earn
8 Did you use to
Exercise 2
• Students read and complete the dialogue. Point out
that they should use would unless it is incorrect. Ask a
couple of students to read out the completed dialogue
and tell the rest of the class to listen and raise their
hands if they think they hear a mistake.
1 used to have
2 used to be
3 would take
4 would go
5 used to love
6 would win
7 would put
8 didn’t use to have
9 used to hate
Exercise 3
• Students read about three successful people / groups
of people and imagine their activities and habits in the
past. Encourage students to be creative and to think of
unusual but relevant things that the characters might
have done. Students compare their ideas in pairs. You
can then ask one or two students to share their ideas
with the rest of the class.
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 10Play the game in groups of three or four. Throw the dice and move your counter. Follow
the instructions on the square. If you get the answer wrong, go back three squares.
Make the question, then
answer it!
What / use to / do / at the
weekend / when you /
ten years old?
Choose a sentence and
complete it with the past
perfect simple or past
perfect continuous.
Jodie was furious because …
The house was empty
because …
We didn’t believe the girl
because …
Choose a sentence. Put
the words in the correct
practising / hours / We / song /
the / than / for / more / three /
been / had
his / hadn’t / seen / of / any /
before / films / They
I / of / By / of / written / the /
notes / lesson / had / five /
the / pages / end

Move forward 3 squares.
Complete this sentence
with true facts about
By three o’clock yesterday
afternoon, I had already … ,
but I hadn’t …
Talk about …
how people used to
communicate before we had
phones and computers.
Talk about …
four things you didn’t use to
do in the past.
Make the question, then
answer it!
What / use to / be afraid of /
when you / five years old?
Choose a sentence and
complete it with the past
perfect simple or past
perfect continuous.
The car was speeding down
the road because …
There was no food in the fridge
because …
Rudi felt very sick this morning
because …
Choose a sentence. Put
the words in the correct
her / finished / She / the /
homework / started / before /
lesson / hadn’t
his / looking / He / hours / for /
phone / for / had / been
had / My / arrived / already /
for / when / we / tickets /
sister / the / paid

Move back 2 squares.

Move forward 2 squares.
Complete this sentence
with a true fact about
I had been … before I … Talk about …
how people used to travel
before we had cars, trains or
Talk about …
three things you used to
wear when you were a small
Make the question, then
answer it!
What games / you and your
friends / use / play / when you
were younger ?
Choose a sentence and
complete it with the past
perfect simple or past
perfect continuous.
The flowers in the garden were
dead because …
My clothes were wet
because ….
She missed the train because …

Move back 2 squares.
1 Grammar Review
1 8 9
2 7
3 6
4 5
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 111 Grammar Review
Aims: To review and practise the past perfect simple,
past perfect continuous, used to and would. This can be
completed when students have finished the unit.
Time: 15–20 minutes
Materials: 1 handout for each group of three or four
students. You will also need a dice and counters.
• Divide students into groups of three or four. Give them
a copy of the board game, a dice and counters. Tell
them to place the counters on START HERE.
• The first student rolls the dice, moves their counter
and completes the task on the square. If they can’t do
the task, or they make a mistake, they go back three
• In the Talk about squares, give your students a
minimum time (e.g. 1 minute) that they have to talk for.
• The winner is the first person to the FINISH square, or
the person on the highest number when you stop the
• If students are finding questions 4 and 11 difficult,
you can give extra clues. For example, tell them the
last word in the sentence, or give them the first three
words in the sentence.
2 What did you use to do at the weekend when you
were ten years old?
3 (Students’ own answers)
4 We had been practising the song for more than three
They hadn’t seen any of his films before.
By the end of the lesson I had written five pages of
5 (Students’ own answers)
6 (Students’ own answers)
7 (Students’ own answers)
9 What did you use to be afraid of when you were five
years old?
10 (Students’ own answers)
11 She hadn’t finished her homework before the lesson
He had been looking for his phone for hours.
My sister had already paid for the tickets when we
13 (Students’ own answers)
14 (Students’ own answers)
15 (Students’ own answers)
17 What games did you and your friends use to play
when you were younger?
18 (Students’ own answers)
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 12Work in groups. Pick three cards. Make a news story from the words on the cards.
cruel publicity passionate celebrity scandal
feedback provider miserable hilarious stalk
journalist vain content untrustworthy paparazzi
bossy wonderful bad-tempered subscriber stubborn
thrilled sue for libel thick-skinned tabloid press terrified
channel creative the press fascinated harass
1 Vocabulary Review
✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂
✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂ ✂
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 131 Vocabulary Review
Aims: To review and practise vocabulary from the unit.
This can be completed when students have finished the
Time: 15–20 minutes
Materials: 1 set of cards cut up for each group of students
• Divide students into groups. Give each group a set of
cards, which they place face down in the middle of
them. One student takes three cards from the top of
the pile, reads the words on the cards and then makes
up a short story incorporating the words on the cards.
If they can’t think of any way of incorporating all three
words into the story, they can return one card to the
pile and pick another card, but they can only do this
once per go.
• The next person should then pick up the next three
cards from the pile and make up another short story.
The game continues until all the cards have been used.
Students can then shuffle the cards and play again.
• Invite one or two students to tell their stories to the
rest of the class.
Tiếng Anh 12 Friends Global 141 Complete the adjectives in the sentences.
1 I was very a m when I heard the front door open in the middle of the night.
2 We all felt a o d when our favourite team lost the match.
3 I like Sally because she’s so p a . She never seems to feel unhappy or angry.
4 Don’t tell Frank that you lost his bag. He’ll be o s!
5 We’ve got our most important exams tomorrow and everyone is very r s s .
6 Can you please try to be calmer? It doesn’t help when you’re y r a like this.
7 They were h l l to find out that they had won first prize in the competition.
8 She felt m i a when the whole class laughed at her mistake.
9 I keep trying to check my email, but my phone isn’t working. I feel really e s d.
10 At first he wanted to go to the cinema and then he wanted to stay at home – he’s so i c v .
2 Complete the idioms. What is the mystery adjective?
1 be on …
2 be tearing your … out
3 be in two … about something
4 be down in the …
5 be green with …
6 something gets on your …
7 lose …
8 blow your …
9 be … the moon
Mystery adjective: x d
3 SPEAKING Work in pairs. Choose one of the idioms from exercise 2. Imagine a situation where you might feel like
this. Act out the situation in pairs to the class. Can they guess the idiom?
2A It drives me crazy!
A Hurrah! It’s amazing!
C Are you over the moon?
B Yes, it is! Our team won the match! We’re so happy!
A & B Yes, we are!




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    bài ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 5 unit 12 bài tập ôn 12 thì tiếng anh bài tập ôn tập tiếng anh 10 unit 12 bài tập ôn tập tiếng anh 10 unit 12 13 14 bài tập ôn tập tiếng anh 12 học kì 1 bài tập ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 3 unit 12 bài tập ôn thi tốt nghiệp tiếng anh 12 bài tập tiếng anh lớp 12 ôn thi đại học các dạng đề ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 12 file ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 12 file sách ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 12 file tài liệu tiếng anh 12 ôn tập giữa kì 1 tiếng anh 12 ôn tập giữa kì 2 tiếng anh 12 ôn tập giữa kì tiếng anh 12 ôn tập hk1 môn tiếng anh 12 ôn tập học kì 1 tiếng anh 12 thí điểm ôn tập học kì 2 tiếng anh 12 violet ôn tập kiến thức tiếng anh 12 ôn tập lý thuyết tiếng anh 12 ôn tập môn tiếng anh lớp 12 ôn tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh 12 ôn tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh lớp 12 ôn tập tiếng anh 11 lên 12 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 cuối kì 1 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 giữa học kì 1 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 hk1 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 học kì 1 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 học kì 2 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 kì 1 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 theo từng unit ôn tập tiếng anh 12 thi thpt quốc gia ôn tập tiếng anh 12 unit 1 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 unit 1 2 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 unit 1 2 3 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 unit 1 2 3 4 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 unit 1 2 3 violet ôn tập tiếng anh 12 unit 2 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 unit 2 urbanisation ôn tập tiếng anh 12 unit 4 ôn tập tiếng anh 12 unit 4 5 6 ôn tập tiếng anh hk1 lớp 12 ôn tập tiếng anh hk2 lớp 12 ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 12 ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 12 giữa học kì 1 ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 12 giữa kì 1 ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 12 học kì 1 ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 12 học kì 2 ôn tập từ vựng tiếng anh 12 ôn tập unit 1 2 3 tiếng anh 12 violet ôn tập unit 1 2 tiếng anh 12 thí điểm ôn tập unit 10 11 12 tiếng anh 12 violet ôn tập unit 4 5 6 tiếng anh 12 violet ôn tập unit 4 tiếng anh 12 mới ôn tập unit 9 10 11 tiếng anh 12 violet ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 12 ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 12 cô trang anh ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 12 pdf ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 12 tập 1 pdf ôn tập đầu năm tiếng anh 12 sách ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh lớp 12 tài liệu bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng anh 12 tài liệu bồi dưỡng tiếng anh 12 tài liệu bồi dưỡng tiếng anh 12 hoàng thị lệ tài liệu chuyên tiếng anh 12 tài liệu dạy thêm tiếng anh 12 thí điểm tài liệu luyện thi tiếng anh 12 tài liệu luyện thi trắc nghiệm tiếng anh 12 tài liệu lý thuyết tiếng anh 12 tài liệu ôn tập tiếng anh 12 tài liệu ôn thi học sinh giỏi tiếng anh 12 tài liệu ôn thi hsg tiếng anh 12 tài liệu ôn thi tiếng anh 12 tài liệu ôn thi tiếng anh lớp 12 tài liệu ôn thi tốt nghiệp tiếng anh lớp 12 tài liệu tiếng anh 12 tài liệu tiếng anh 12 mới tài liệu tiếng anh 12 theo unit tài liệu tiếng anh 12 thí điểm tài liệu tiếng anh lớp 12 tài liệu để học tốt tiếng anh 12 đề cương ôn tập giữa kì 1 tiếng anh 12 đề cương ôn tập môn tiếng anh lớp 12 hk2 đề cương ôn tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh 12 đề cương ôn tập tiếng anh 12 đề cương ôn tập tiếng anh 12 học kì 1 đề cương ôn tập tiếng anh 12 học kì 2 đề cương ôn tập tiếng anh 12 thí điểm đề cương ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 12 đề cương ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 12 hk1 đề ôn tập học kì 1 tiếng anh 12 đề ôn tập tiếng anh lớp 12



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