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BỘ Bài tập trắc nghiệm tiếng anh 9 i learn smart world NĂM 2024-2025 * CẢ BẢN GIÁO VIÊN VÀ HỌC SINH SẠCH 100% được soạn dưới dạng file word gồm các file trang. Các bạn xem và tải về ở dưới.



Choose the stressed word in each sentence.​

I watch lots of movies in English.
A. of B. movies C. lots D. in
The accents and words change over time.
A. time B. and C. over D. The
Around the world, about one billion people speak English.
A. Around B. the C. about D. speak
English is official in the UK, Canada, and Australia.
A. in B. the C. Australia D. and
I can learn English for work, travel, or school.
A. can B. for C. or D. school
My sister often learns English at her school.
A. sister B. often C. at D. her
Some of my friends practice English with each other.
A. of B. my C. practice D. with
English is growing, like a big and leafy tree.
A. English B. is C. a D. and
English jobs and travel are waiting for you.
A. and B. travel C. are D. for
Planes soar through clouds, ships glide over waves, English travels with you.
A. through B. glide C. over D. with

Circle the correct phonetic transcription of the contracted words.​


A. /aɪ/B. /aɪ wɪl/C. /aɪl/D. /aɪ ll/
2. We’ll
A. /wi:/B. /wi:l/C. /wi:ll/D. /wi: wɪl/
3. You’ll
A. /ju:l/B. /ju:/C. /ju: wɪl/D. /ju:ll/
4. They’ll
A. /ðeɪ wɪl/
5. He’ll
B. / ðeɪ ll/C. / ðeɪ/D. / ðeɪl/
A. /hi:l/B. /hi: wl/C. /hi:ll/D. /hi: wɪl/
6. She’ll
A. /ʃiːll/B. /ʃiː il/C. /ʃiː/D. /ʃiːl/
7. It’ll
A. /ˈɪt wl/B. /ɪtll/C. /ɪtl/D. /ˈɪt wɪl/
8. They won’t
A. / ðeɪl/B. / ðeɪ wəʊnt/C. /wəʊnt/D. / ðeɪ wəʊl/
9. There’ll

A. /ðeə wəʊnt/B. /ðeɪl/C. / ðeəl/D. / ðeə wɪl/
10. I won’t
A. /aɪ wəʊnt/

B./I wəʊnt/

C. / aɪ won’t/

D. /aɪ wɪl/

Choose the correct description of the given words.​

Global, like the internet B. A chance to travel abroad
C. A career path in another country D. Things you need to grow healthy and strong
Your toy train set at home B. A yummy chocolate bar
C. Pages with pictures and news D. A fluffy teddy bear to cuddle
Familiar and well-known B. Very loud or noisy
C. From another country D. A chance to learn a new skill
A. A career based on travel B. Existing across the globe
C. An opportunity for everyone D. Content suitable for any audience
A. A chance to succeed B. The words in a song
C. A career path you choose D. Content that keeps you engaged
Empty and lacking substance
Something that must be kept secret
A publication with global news
Information or material presented through various media
A. A specific job title you hold at a single company
B. A short job you only do for a few months
C. A long-term professional path you build over time
D. A hobby or activity you do for fun in your free time
Pictures and drawings shown on a screen with a movie or TV show
Written text displayed on the bottom of a screen, translating spoken words
Sound effects added to a movie or TV show to make it more exciting
Short descriptions of what's happening in a movie or TV show, like a book summary
The musical notes played in a song
The name of a specific type of flower
Instructions for building or making something
The written words for a song, that you sing along to

Something that is messy and disorganized B. A way of doing something in a specific order
C. A feeling of confusion or uncertainty D. A type of tool or equipment

Choose the correct answer to fill in gap each gap.​

We need to learn new words by .
A. head B. mind C. heart D. eye
Sarah researched the different, in the marine science field.
A. openings B. areas C. avenues D. career opportunities
While most of his classmates opted for internships this summer, Liam decided to in Japan.
travel B. study abroad
C. backpack D. take a language course
He struggled to communicate because his English was limited.
A. vocabulary B. fluency C. pronunciation D. accent
When speaking, the teacher emphasized correct so students can hear correct sounds.
A. definitions B. grammar C. sentence structure D. pronunciation
To improve your listening skills, you could try watching with subtitles.
educational documentaries B. classic films
C. English television shows D. science fiction movies
I discovered a new band from London while browsing through charts.
English music B. pop music hits
C. dance music remixes D. international playlists
My dream is to backpack through Asia and experience different cultures.
historical monuments B. exotic landscapes
C. local cuisines D. international travel
I always try to every day, like a new recipe or a skill.
A. relax and unwind B. stay organized C. learn new things D. complete chores
To test your skills, try summarizing a complex news article.
critical thinking skills B. reading comprehension
C. vocabulary knowledge D. writing ability

Choose the word that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following sentences.​

If you don't understand a word, look up its meaning in the dictionary.
A. ignore B. erase C. write down D. consult
I come across an interesting article about ancient Egypt while browsing the web.
A. ignore B. avoid C. find D. lose
We need to go over the instructions again before starting the project.
A. review B. skip C. forget D. ignore
Please turn on the light so we can see better.
A. turn off B. unplug C. dim D. activate
I note down the important points from the meeting for future reference.
A. forget B. write down C. ignore D. erase

Can you help me figure out how to solve this equation?
A. forget B. confuse C. understand D. ignore
Before leaving, remember to check out that all the windows are closed.
A. examine B. leave open C. forget D. ignore
Make sure you have everything you need for your trip before you leave.
A. doubt B. confirm C. forget D. ignore
It's always a good idea to double-check your answer before submitting the test.
A. ignore B. doubt C. reconfirm D. forget
I'm excited to take part in the upcoming school play.
A. refuse B. participate C. ignore D. forget

Choose the word that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following sentences.​

After weeks of practice, her singing improved significantly.
A. enhanced B. worsened C. developed D. progressed
Reading historical novels is my favorite way to relax.
A. preferred B. well-liked C. enjoyable D. least-favored
As soon as the movie ended, he switched off the TV.
A. powered up B. deactivated C. turned on D. adjusted
Sentence: She looked for a quiet corner to read her book.
A. searched B. found C. located D. overlooked
Each snowflake's intricate design is different from the next.
A. identical B. unique C. diverse D. uniform
The lecture on Ancient Egypt was surprisingly interesting.
A. informative B. captivating C. boring D. dull
Having clean water is essential for good health.
A. unimportant B. crucial C. fundamental D. optional
She longed to explore the sights and sounds of foreign cultures.
A. domestic B. exotic C. international D. native
He dreamed of moving overseas and starting a new adventure.
A. domestic B. international C. local D. nationwide
The internet has allowed for worldwide communication and collaboration.
A. limited B. national C. regional D. continental

Choose the correct word form to fill in each gap.​

Find an English friend to practice and speaking together.
A. listens B. listened C. listening D. listener
Every language to everyone who wants to learn it.
A. belonging B. belongings C. belonged D. belongs
Music fills your with spoken English. Listen and sing!
A. live B. life C. lively D. living
We can read books by English to learn natural vocabulary.
A. writer B. writers C. written D. writes

English is used , so learning it opens doors worldwide.
A. nationally B. national C. international D. internationally
After hearing a sentence, try saying it back to improve your English
A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. speaker
Watching movies with subtitles focus, but it helps you learn spoken English naturally.
A. requires B. required C. requirement D. requiring
Learning spoken English isn't just an option, it's a in today's world.
A. necessity B. necessary C. necessarily D. unnecessary
Students repeat after native teachers to be about correct pronunciation.
A. informing B. informs C. informed D. informer
Many recommend listening to English music to improve your ear for the language.
A. reader B. reading C. read D. readers

Choose the option that best describes each image below.​

A. The story or message sung in a song. B. The melody and rhythm of a song.
C. The instruments used to play a song. D. The way the singer performs the song. 2.

A. Creating pictures using paint and brushes.
B. Putting words on paper to express ideas or tell stories.
C. Talking loudly and clearly to make yourself heard.
D. Building something with bricks or other materials. 3.

A. Single words written in the English alphabet.
B. Loud noises made by people speaking English.
C. Pictures that tell a story without any words.
D. Sentences using English grammar and vocabulary. 4.

A. The act of reading English aloud.
B. The type of music popular in England.
C. The ability to understand spoken English.
D. Speaking English with a British accent. 5.

A. A single island nation located off the coast of Europe.
B. A country consisting of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

C. A European Union member state with its capital in Paris.
D. A continent home to diverse cultures and languages.


1. Choose the correct option to fill in each gap.​

I'm trying my pronunciation with online tools.
to improve B. improving C. improve
Don't be afraid mistakes when speaking English.
to make B. making C. make
They offered me to their language exchange event.
to invite B. inviting C. invite
I want fluent in English before the end of the year.
become B. becoming C. to become
You need attention in class to understand grammar.
pay B. paying C. to pay
Don't practicing, even when it gets difficult.
giving up B. to give up C. give up
After studying for hours, they decided a break and get some coffee.
taking B. to take C. take
She suggested the book before watching the movie adaptation.
read B. reading C. to read
I recommend to English music to improve your listening skills.
listening B. to listen C. listen
I always forget my phone at home when I'm in a rush.
to charge B. charging C. charge
She enjoys English novels in her free time.
to reading B. reading C. read
Learning grammar involves with exercises and examples.
to practice B. practicing C. practice
your fluency, try speaking English every day, even if it's just a little.
Improve B. Improving C. To improve
Don't hesitate questions if you have any doubts.
ask B. asking C. to ask
My biggest challenge is finding time English regularly.
to practice B. practice C. practicing
The teacher made me the grammar rules better.
understanding B. to understand C. understand
My favorite way vocabulary is studying flashcards every day.
to learn B. learning C. to learn
After watching the movie, we discussed, the plot.
understand B. understanding C. to understand
My teacher recommends to podcasts for extra English exposure.

listening B. listen C. to listen
to turn off your phone before going to bed for better sleep.
Remembering B. Remember C. to remember

Choose the correct option to replace the underlined words.​

Tired of traditional textbooks, Michael looks into online learning platforms.
A. investigates B. updates C. installs D. designs
After missing a few classes, Emily worked hard to get back on track with her studies.
A. stay behind B. catch up C. quit D. give up
By immersing himself in English films, David picks up new words quickly.
A. learns B. confuses C. drops D. composes
To make flashcards more engaging, Alice comes up with using funny illustrations.
A. keeps B. forgets C. invents D. copies
After learning a new tip, Maya always passes on it to her classmates.
A. gets B. ignores C. sells D. shares
During the lecture, Maria jotted down key points in her notebook.
A. explored B. discovered C. wrote D. erased
Don't be shy, speak up when you have a question.
A. ask B. stay silent C. make noise D. be quiet
Remember to hand in your essay before the deadline.
A. keep B. handle C. do D. submit
The teacher gently pointed out the error in the student's essay.
A. covered B. underestimated C. highlighted D. concealed
To prepare for the test, Anna went over the vocabulary list several times.
A. reviewed B. disregarded C. neglected D. recalled
After being absent due to illness, Ben had to catch up with a lot of assignments.
A. complete B. receive C. ignore D. postpone
When he encountered an unfamiliar word, he looked up its meaning.
A. remembered B. searched for C. found D. guessed
Please fill in your name and address on the registration form.
A. compose B. change C. complete D. throw away
During the lecture, it's important to write down the key points.
A. type B. forget C. remember D. take notes
The students worked through the difficult grammar drills with patience and determination.
A. skipped B. avoided C. abandoned D. persevered with
To break down the complex grammar rule, the teacher used many clear examples.
A. build up B. simplify C. memorize D. overlook
It's good to get along with your classmates for study assistance.
A. discuss B. argue with C. connect with D. debate
After spending extra time on grammar drills, Sarah felt she was getting ahead the rest of the class.
A. keeping up B. leaving behind C. falling behind D. going down
After much effort, the students finally figure out the answer to the challenging practice question.

A. skip B. look for C. continue D. solve
With so many topics to cover, the teacher advised the students to narrow down their areas of interest.
A. concentrate on B. spread out C. broaden D. enlarge

Choose the correct option to fill in each gap.​

Many countries are incorporating English into their education systems it is spoken globally.
A. therefore B. although C. nevertheless D. since
English-language films and music are popular around the world;. , many people are eager to learn the language.
A. even though B. in spite of C. as a result D. on the contrary
English fluency opens doors to international travel and business opportunities; many students dedicate themselves to improving their skills.
A. Unless B. Because C. However D. So that
Some nations view English as a bridge to the world stage; they promote its mastery within their education systems.
A. regardless of B. meanwhile C. however D. therefore
some countries have concerns about cultural dilution, they acknowledge the economic benefits of English proficiency.
A. While B. Nevertheless C. Although D. Therefore
many universities offer English-taught courses, they attract students from around the globe.
A. Because B. Likewise C. However D. Moreover
English pronunciation styles and slang terms often develop within specific regions, local preferences and cultural influences.
A. as a result of B. on the contrary C. even though D. hence
the global reach of English-language media, businesses utilize it for advertising and marketing campaigns.
A. Meanwhile B. However C. Due to D. In addition to
English serves as a bridge language in many multinational settings, countries encourage proficiency to facilitate communication.
A. In spite of hand B. Since C. While D. On the other
the tourism industry, English fluency is often sought after for customer service and hospitality roles.
A. However B. Despite C. Therefore D. Within
the undeniable benefits of English fluency, concerns about language loss and cultural homogenization arise in some nations.
In addition to B. Hence As a result of D. Despite
The dominance of English can lead to the marginalization of local languages and dialects;
, cultural diversity is at risk.
A. otherwise B. consequently C. in spite of D. moreover

the potential for cultural dominance, English's widespread use in media also offers opportunities for cross-cultural exchange.
A. As a result B. In spite of C. Therefore D. However
English fluency becomes a key requirement for certain jobs, concerns about unfair advantage and exclusion emerge.
A. If only B. Therefore C. Since D. Regardless of
Countries strive to preserve their linguistic heritage and cultural identity promote diversity and inclusion.
A. on the one hand B. as a result of C. in order to D. although
English serves as a lingua franca for international business, companies often require it for communication and collaboration.
A. because B. although C. since D. thus
its widespread use, English often coexists with other languages in diverse communities.
A. Despite B. Because of C. Therefore D. However
cultural influences, English has adapted and evolved in different countries, leading to unique variations.
A. Therefore B. However C. Due to D. Consequently
English's global dominance, its localization and adaptation demonstrate the resilience of cultures and their capacity for innovation.
A. Hence B. However C. Therefore D. Despite
Technological advancements are often documented and disseminated in English facilitate global reach and knowledge sharing.
A. on the contrary B. however C. despite D. so as to

Choose the word or phrase that needs correcting.​

Due to plentiful online resources, many leaners access English learn easily.
A. Due to B. plentiful C. access D. learn
Debate arises around English's benefits and potential cultural dominant.
A. arises B. around C. benefits D. dominant
Open-source software projects adopt English encouraging participation.
A. software B. adopt C. encouraging D. participation
Because online resources, language learners have vast information access.
A. Because B. learners C. have D. access
Multilingual nations establish often language policies to regulate languages.
A. Multilingual B. establish often C. policies D. to regulate
Some people argue against to rely solely on English in scientific research.
A. Some B. against C. to rely D. on
Improve fluency, some nations consider teaching English in their education systems.
A. Improve B. consider C. teaching D. their
Many nations in the world prioritizing to develop English fluency in schools.
A. in B. prioritizing C. to develop D. in schools
English serves like bridge language in international business communication.

A. serves B. bridge language C. in D. communication
Despite its benefits, concerns about linguistic inequality and cultural hegemony is persistent.
A. Despite B. concerns C. inequality D. is


Choose the correct response to complete the dialogues.​

- "Hi, can I have the chicken sandwich, please?"
- “ ”
Sure, coming right up! B. Sure, I'd love to try your fries too!
C. No, we don't have bread. D. One loaf of bread. That'll be $5.
- "Hi! Do you mind if I sit here?"
- “ ”
Sorry, I'm busy. B. No problem at all!
C. Perfect place for my bag! D. Do you want to sit?
- "I love this dress! What do you think?"
- “ ”
Maybe another color for me. B. It looks great on you!
C. Too expensive for us. D. I don't buy it.
- "Mom, can you open this jar?"
- “ ”
I'm not so busy. B. You're too weak.
C. Sure, honey! Let me see. D. Just use a spoon instead.
- "Want to get coffee together?"
- “ ”
Sounds good! B. I'm not feeling like tea.
C. No thanks, I like coffee. D. I can't help you, I have to work.
- "Excuse me, do you know when the next bus to the city center is coming?"
- “ ”
Don't ask me like that. B. Let me check my schedule.
C. I think it's in about 10 minutes. D. The bus is always late, so who knows?
- "Can you help me find the milk?"
- “ ”
Help yourself! B. I think it's time for me to leave.
C. Sorry, I don't work here. D. Sure, it's in aisle 5, right next to the eggs.
- "Are you ready to order?"
- “ ”
I'm not hungry as you think. B. Not yet, we're still eating.
C. Yes, I'm waiting for my friend to arrive. D. Yes, I'll have the spaghetti with meatballs, please.
- "What a cute dog! What's his name?"
- “ ”
He's very friendly. B. Thanks! His name is Buddy.

C. Don't touch him, he doesn't like strangers. D. He's not very well-trained, so be careful.
- "Excuse me, can you help me find a book?"
- “ ”
That's the book I like most. B. I'm not free to show you the catalog.
C. You can always borrow a book. D. Sure, what kind of book are you looking for?

Choose the correct option to finish the conversation.​

Maya: So, Daniel, you just got back from your trip to India. (1)
Daniel: It was amazing! Incredible culture, delicious food... and surprisingly, a lot of English!
Maya: Really? (2)
Daniel: It's true, Hindi is the official language, but English is widely used in big cities and tourist areas. My tour guide even joked that English is the second official language, unofficially!
Maya: That's interesting. I wonder why English is so prevalent?
Daniel: Well, India has a long history with British colonization, so English became a common language for government and education. It also stuck around as a business language and for international communication.
Maya: (3) I know English is important in many other countries too, like Singapore and
Daniel: Absolutely! In Singapore, English is one of four official languages, along with Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil. It's the language of business and administration, making it crucial for the country's economic success. Maya: And in Nigeria, English is also an official language alongside several indigenous languages. I remember hearing that it's especially important for education and connecting different regions.
Daniel: (4) It's fascinating how English has taken on different roles in different countries. In some places, it's a legacy of colonialism, while in others, it's a chosen tool for communication and advancement.
Maya: Do you think English will continue to be so dominant in the future?
Daniel: (5) On the one hand, English is facing competition from other languages like Mandarin and Spanish. But on the other hand, its global reach and versatility are undeniable.
Maya: Maybe it will become even more of a hybrid language, with different accents and dialects adapting to local cultures.
Daniel: That's a good point! The "World English" could become even more diverse and fascinating in the years to come.
Maya: I hope so! (6)
Daniel: Cheers to that! And to the ever-evolving world of English!

A. When was it? B. How was it? C. Where was it? D. Who are they?
A. I know people always spoke English there.
B. I never thought people spoke Hindi there.
C. I thought most people spoke Hindi there.
D. I thought most people spoke English there.
A. That's not a good point! B. Hmm, that makes sense.
C. You may have to think it over. D. Well, I think you have misunderstood.

A. Exactly! B. I don't think so.
C. Maybe you're wrong. D. I doubt it.
A. It's hard to say. B. It's easy to know.
C. I'm not sure about it. D. You don't have to say that.

It's impossible for one language to connect so many people around the world, even if in the same ways.
It's not strange that one language can't connect so many people around the world.
It's amazing how one language can connect so many people around the world, even if in different ways.
It's disappointed how English can't connect people around the world.


Read the passage and choose the correct answer for each question.​

In the City of Lights, where cobbled streets whisper of history and croissants fill the air with a buttery warmth, English dances a delicate waltz with French. For Parisians, it's a language of business deals and international exchange, a key to unlocking doors in the global marketplace. Yet, embracing English comes at a cost. Some fear it might dim the incandescent flame of French culture, its intricate grammar and poetic lyricism.
The Louvre's majestic halls may echo with bilingual tours, but in quaint cafes, French reigns supreme. It's the language of love poems whispered over steaming cups of coffee, of animated debates on philosophy and politics. English, with its efficient directness, can feel like a cold wind blowing through the Parisian soul. The challenge lies in finding a balance, where English fuels international connections without extinguishing the vibrant spark of French identity.
This could involve promoting the use of French in business and academic settings while encouraging the appreciation of English literature and cinema. It requires a delicate tango between pragmatism and passion, ensuring that English serves as a tool without replacing the very essence of what it means to be Parisian.
Can Paris embrace the global stage without losing its unique charm? Can the waltz between English and French become a harmonious dance, enriching both languages and strengthening the city's cultural identity? The answer lies in the hands of Parisians themselves, who must navigate this linguistic crossroads with grace and a touch of je ne sais quoi.
How is the relationship between English and French in Paris characterized?
Complementary languages with equal importance.
English as a tool for economic advancement, French as the language of culture and identity.
English as a symbol of dominance, French as a relic of the past.
A constant struggle for linguistic supremacy.
What is one challenge facing the use of English in Paris?
Lack of access to English language education.
Concerns about losing French fluency, especially among younger generations.
Difficulty adapting to local pronunciation and grammar.
Resistance from traditionalists who oppose any foreign language influence.
What potential consequences does the passage suggest could arise from prioritizing English in Paris?

Increased economic prosperity and global competitiveness.
Loss of unique cultural traditions and artistic expression.
A decline in tourism and interest in French culture.
Increased social conflict and tensions between different language groups.
What suggestion does the passage offer for maintaining a balance between Eng- lish and French in Paris?
Encourage bilingual education programs in both languages.
Implement stricter regulations on the use of English in public spaces.
Promote French literature and cultural events alongside English ones.
Ban the use of English altogether to preserve French purity.
What metaphor is used in the passage to describe the ideal relationship between English and French in Paris?
A. A battlefield with opposing forces. B. A bridge connecting different worlds.
C. A silent competition for dominance. D. A harmonious dance with complementary roles.

Read the passage and choose the correct answer to fill in each gap.​

In Argentina, vast grasslands called "pampas" tell stories of cowboys and traditions, sung in the beautiful rhythm of Spanish. But in busy Buenos Aires cafes, English joins Spanish for a (1)
dance. English opens doors to cool jobs abroad, helps tech companies grow, and adds a fancy touch to chats. Young people use English to write computer programs, talk about money in special ways, and (2) the world with ease.
However, grandparents and parents don't love English that much. When families get (3)
, Spanish takes the lead, with its musical words telling stories of tango and delicious barbecues. Some worry that English, (4 ) moves fast and sounds cool, might make Argentine culture less special, taking away its warmth and beautiful language.
The challenge is to find a balance: English for together (5) money and connecting with the world, and Spanish for keeping Argentine roots strong. Can these (6) languages dance gracefully, making each other even better without forgetting their own special steps?
1. A. liveB. livelyC. livedD. alive
2. A. travelsB. travelingC. travelD. traveled
3. A. togetherB. each otherC. anotherD. one another
4. A. thatB. whatC. whoD. which
5. A. spendingB. producingC. makingD. doing
6. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four

L. Choose the option that best uses the given words to make a complete sentence.​

English / opens / door/ many / opportunities / around/world/the
Many opportunities in the world door open English.
English, around the world, opens many opportunities doors.
The world opens many opportunities door for English.
Learning English opens many doors to opportunities around the world.
language/communication / essential/tool/in/modern/world
English, an essential communication tool, is important in the modern world.

The modern world, communication tool essential in, is English language.
Essential tool in the modern world, English is a communication language.
In modern world, tool communication essential is English language.
skills/career / improve/your/learning/ English / can / significantly
Significantly improve your career skills, learning English can.
English learning can your career skills significantly improve.
Learning English can significantly improve your career skills.
Improve your career skills significantly, English can learning.
travel/English/understanding / makes / easier/communicating / with/people/ new
Understanding English makes communicating with new people easier while traveling.
New people communicating with makes English understanding travel easier.
Easier travel makes English understanding new people communicating with.
English makes travel easier, new people communicating with understanding.
access/information / wider / range / English / gives/you/to/a
You to a wider range of information English access gives.
Learning English gives you access to a wider range of information.
Information, a wider range of, access to English gives you.
English gives you access to wider range information of a.
confidence/your/builds/learning/English/in/interacting / with / others
Others with interacting, your confidence in English learning builds.
Confidence, English learning builds interacting with others in your.
Builds your confidence in interacting with others, English learning.
English learning builds your confidence in interacting with others.
movies/understand/without / subtitles/English/lets / you / enjoy/foreign
Knowing English lets you enjoy foreign movies without subtitles.
Foreign movies enjoy without subtitles, English lets you.
English lets you enjoy foreign movies without subtitles understand.
You enjoy foreign movies without subtitles, English lets understand.
future/opportunities / better / opens / doors/to/English/your
To your future opportunities better, English opens doors.
Learning English opens doors to better opportunities in your future.
English opens doors to better opportunities your future in.
Better future opportunities to yours, English opens doors.
connect/people/ different / backgrounds / from /English/helps / you / with
You with English helps connect people different backgrounds from.
Knowing English helps you connect with people from different backgrounds.
English helps you connect with different backgrounds people from.
Connect people different backgrounds from, English helps you with.
world / diverse / understanding/ and / appreciating / cultures / English / helps / you / in
You in understanding and appreciating diverse world cultures, English helps.
Understanding and appreciating diverse world cultures, English helps you in.

English helps you in understanding and appreciating diverse world cultures.
Diverse world cultures understanding and appreciating, English helps you in.

II. Choose the correct transformed sentence based on the original sentence.​

Knowing English opens doors to countless opportunities.
English grants access to a multitude of chances.
Opportunities are numerous for those who understand English.
English is not important for achieving success.
Doors open and close regardless of English knowledge.
If you want to travel the world, mastering English is crucial.
Some places don't require English communication.
Traveling without English might limit your experiences.
Mastering English guarantees worldwide understanding.
Language skills are unimportant for global travel.
Learning English compared to Spanish seems more challenging for some.
Both languages offer equal difficulty for most people.
Mastering Spanish is generally easier than English.
Some find English more difficult to learn compared to Spanish.
Difficulty in learning languages is purely subjective.
It is widely believed that speaking English fluently improves career prospects.
Employers don't prioritize English fluency in career choices.
Fluency in English might slightly improve job opportunities.
Speaking English guarantees successful career advancement.
Employers value skills over language proficiency.
I wish I had started learning English earlier in life.
Learning English at any age is beneficial.
It's too late to begin learning English now.
Regretting missed opportunities is pointless.
I am not satisfied with my current level of English.
Despite its challenges, learning English is an investment in your future.
Future investments are always difficult to learn.
The challenges of learning English outweigh its future benefits.
Learning English is difficult, but it can benefit your future.
English is not a valuable investment for everyone's future.
Sarah said, "I wish I could speak English fluently."
Sarah expressed her desire to have spoken English fluently.
Sarah stated that she wished to be able to speak English fluently.
Sarah regretted not speaking English fluently.
Sarah announced her intention to learn English fluently soon.
English is spoken in many countries around the world.
Many countries around the world speak English.
The speaking of English is widespread around the world.

People from many countries speak English fluently.

English is difficult to learn for many countries.

Learning English is easier than learning Mandarin.

Mandarin is much easier to learn compared to English.

The difficulty of learning Mandarin is comparable to English.

Both English and Mandarin are challenging to learn.

Mandarin is more difficult to learn than English.

If you want to study abroad, being fluent in English is essential.

Studying abroad is a great way to learn English.

English is not necessary for studying in some countries.

Not being fluent in English might limit your study abroad options.

Fluency in English guarantees acceptance into foreign universities.



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