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Giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 global success HỌC KÌ 1 CÓ FILE NGHE được soạn dưới dạng file word, PDF, audio ...gồm các file, unit trang. Các bạn xem và tải giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 global success về ở dưới.

New words (Từ mới)

belong to
/bɪˈlɒŋ tə/thuộc về
n, v​
/ˈbenɪfɪt/lợi ích; được lợi, giúp ích cho
/bʌɡ/con bọ
/ˈkɑːdbɔːd/bìa các tông
/ˈdɒlhaʊs/nhà búp bê
v, n​
/ˈɡɑːdnɪŋ/làm vườn
/ɡluː/keo dán, hồ dán
horse riding
/ˈhɔːs raɪdɪŋ/cưỡi ngựa
/ˈɪnsekt/côn trùng
/ˈdʒɒɡɪŋ/chạy bộ thư giãn
making models
/ˈmeɪkɪŋ ˈmɒdl/làm mô hình
/məˈtʃʊərəti/sự trưởng thành
/ˈpeɪʃnt/kiên nhẫn
/ˈpɒpjələ(r)/được nhiều người yêu thích, phổ biến
/rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/sự chịu trách nhiệm
/set/(mặt trời) lặn
/stres/sự căng thẳng
take on
/teɪk ɒn/nhận thêm, thuê, mướn
/ʌnˈjuːʒuəl/khác thường, hiếm, lạ
/ˈvæljuəbl/quý giá

Some common hobbies (Tên một vài sở thích phổ biến)

to collect teddy bear
sưu tầm gấu bông
to go to the cinema
đi xem phim
to hang out with friends
đi chơi với bạn bè
to chat with friends
nói chuyện với bạn
to walk the dog
dắt chó đi dạo
to collect stamps
sưu tầm tem
to play chess
chơi cờ vua
to do sports
chơi thể thao
to play computer games
chơi game
to go shopping
đi mua sắm
to watch television
xem tivi
to listen to music
nghe nhạc
to play the guitar
chơi ghi-ta
to play the violin
chơi violin
làm vườn
vẽ tranh
going camping
cắm trại
trượt băng/trượt pa-tanh
ngắm chim
nấu ăn
arranging flowers
cắm hoa
đi bộ
khiêu vũ

Word formation (Từ loại)

Related words
benefit (n)lợi íchbeneficial (adj)beneficially (adv)
benefit (v)beneficiary (n)
glue (n)keo, hồ dánglue (v)
insect (njcôn trùnginsecticidal (adj)insecticide (n)
jogging (n)chạy bộ thư giãnjog (v)jogger(n)
maturity (n)sự trưởng thànhmature (adj)maturely (adv)
mature (v)maturational (adj)
maturation (n)
patient (adj)kiên nhẫnpatient (n)patiently (adv)
patience (n)
popular (adj)phổ biếnpopularity (n)popular (adj)
responsibility (n)sự chịu trách
respond (v)response(n)
responsible (adj)responsibly (adv)
responsive (adj)responsively (adv)
stress (n)sự căng thẳngstressful (adj)stress (v)
stressed(adj)unstressed (adj)
unusual (adj)khác thường, lạ, hiếmunusually (adv)usual (adj)
usually (adv)
valuable (adj)quý giávaluation (n)value (n)
value (v)

1. The present simple (Thì hiện tại đơn)

Cách dùng

Cách dùng
  • Dùng để diễn tả thói quen hoặc những việc thường xuyên xảy ra ở hiện tại.
  • Ex: We go to school everyday.
  • Dùng để diễn tả những sự vật, sự việc xảy ra mang tính chất quy luật.
  • Ex: This festival occurs every 4 years.
  • Dùng để diễn tả các sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lý, các phong tục tập quán, các hiện tượng tự nhiên.
  • Ex: The earth moves around the Sun.
  • Dùng để diễn tả lịch trình cố định của tàu, xe, máy bay, …
  • Ex: The train leaves at 8 am tomorrow
Dạng thức của thì hiện tại đơn.

Với động từ to be
(am/ is/ are)
S + am/ is/ are + N/ Adj
S + am/ is/ are + not + N/ Adj
Am/ Is/ Are + S + N/ Adj
Với động từ thường
S + V nguyên mẫu/ V-s/es
S + don’t/ doesn’t + V nguyên mẫu
Do/ Does + S + V nguyên mẫu
Dấu hiệu nhận biết

- Trong câu ở thì hiện đại đơn thường có Adv chỉ tuần xuất được chia làm 2 nhóm

Nhóm trạng từ đứng ở trong câu

+Always (luôn luôn), usually (thường thường), often (thường), sometimes (thỉnh thoảng), rarely (hiếm khi), seldom (hiếm khi), frequently (thường xuyên), hardly (hiếm khi), never (không bao giờ), regularly (thường xuyên) …

+ Các trạng từ này thường đứng trước động từ thường, sau động từ “to be” và trợ động từ.

Ex: He rarely goes to school by bus.

She is usually at home in the evening

I don’t often go out with my friends

Nhóm trạng ngữ đứng cuối câu

+ Everyday/ week/ month/ year (hàng ngày/ hàng tháng/ hàng tuần/ hàng năm)

+ Once (một lần), twice (hai lần), three times (ba lần), four times (bốn lần) …

* Lưu ý: từ ba lần trở lên ta sử dụng: số đếm + times

Ex: He phones home every week

They go on holiday to the seaside once a year

Cách thêm s/es vào sau động từ

Trong câu ở thì hiện tại đơn, nếu chủ ngữ là ngôi thứ ba số ít (She, He, It, Danh từ số ít) thì động từ phải thêm đuôi s/es. Dưới đây là các quy tắc khi chia động từ.

Quy tắc
Ví dụ
Thêm “s” vào đằng sau hầu hết các động từwork – works
read – reads
Thêm “es” vào các động từ kết thúc bằng “ch, sh, x, s, z, o”miss – misses
go – goes
Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng “y”
+ Nếu trước “y” là một nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, i) ta giữ nguyên “y + s”
+ Nếu trước “y” là một phụ âm ta đổi “y” thành “i + es”
play – plays
cry – cries

2. Verbs of liking and disliking (Động từ chỉ sự thích và ghét)

Các động từ chỉ sự yêu, thích phổ biến

Các động từ phổ biến
like (thích), love (yêu thích), enjoy (thích thú), fancy (mến, thích), adore (mê, thích)
Cấu trúc
like/ love/ enjoy/ fancy/ adore + V-ing
Ví dụ
Do you like watching TV?
My mother loves watering flowers in the garden.
My parents really enjoy surfing at the beach.
Do you fancy riding a bike now?
My brother and I adore playing badminton.
Chú ý
Có thể dùng dạng phủ định của các động từ “like, fancy” để diễn đạt ý không thích
She doesn’t like drawing
He doesn’t fancy climbing a tree
“very much” và “a lot” (rất nhiều) thường đứng cuối câu chỉ sự yêu thích.
Ex: I love singing very much/ a lot
Các động từ chỉ sự ghét, không thích.

Các động từ phổ biến
  • dislike (không thích), hate (ghét), detest (ghét cay, ghét đắng)
  • Cấu trúc
  • dislike/ hate/ detest + V-ing
  • Ví dụ
  • Rose dislikes studying Maths.
  • I hate having a bath in winter
  • Laura detests cooking
  • Adults don’t like eating sweets
  • I don’t fancy swimming in this cold weather

/ǝ/ là một nguyên âm ngắn. Để phát âm âm này, hãy mở miệng thật nhẹ và đơn giản. Môi và lưỡi được thư giãn và phát âm /ǝ/.
/ɜː/ là một nguyên âm dài. Để phát âm âm này, miệng mở tự nhiên, lưỡi đặt tự nhiên, cao vừa phải, nhưng cao hơn khi phát âm /ǝ/. Âm phát ra dài hơn /ǝ/.

Exercise 1. Put the words in the correct column depending on the pronunciation.


Exercise 2. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.

A. pottery B. flower C. silent D. service

2. A. girl B. expert C. open D. burn

3. A. sentence B. world C. picture D. Dangerous

4. A. game B. arrange C. skate D. cake

5. A. hobby B. doll C. college D. over

6. A. prefer B. better C. teacher D. worker

A. bear B. hear C. dear D. near

8. A. collect B. concern C. concert D. combine

9. A. absent B. government C. dependent D. enjoy

10. A. future B. return C. picture D. culture

11. A. purpose B. bottle C. collect D. second

12. A. heard B. pearl C. heart D. earth

13. A. button B. circus C. suggest D. future

14. A. sofa B. away C. banana D. occasion

15. A. burst B. curtain C. furniture D. cure

Exercise 1. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence.

My sister _______ to pop music every day.

A. collects B. listens C. does D. goes

2. My father _______ a teacher. He works in a hospital.

A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

3. You need to be _______ to follow eggshell carving because it may take two weeks to complete one shell.

A. careful B. interested C. fit D. patient

4. It is interesting to _______ tree leaves from different countries.

A. play B. collect C. read D. do

5. If you choose sewing as your hobby, you will _______ your own clothes.

A. do B. make C. take D. get

6. My sister is keen _______ sports. She plays a lot of tennis and badminton in her free time.

A. on B. of C. about D. at

7. We often read the instructions carefully in order to make _______ of the things we like best.

A. meanings B. models C. copies D. uses

8. Thanh is good _______ Math, he can solve any problem very quickly.

A. at B. to C. about D. on

9. I _______ rock music but my brothers don’t like it.

A. likes B. like C. don’t like D. doesn’t like

10. We can make flower vases or lamps _______ old glass bottles.

A. of B. up C. from D. in

11. I find _______ a useful sport for my health.

A. swim B. swimming C. swimmer D. swam

12. _______ do you find dancing as a hobby?

A. What B. Who C. Why D. How

13. When my father retired, he took _______ golf as a hobby to stay healthy.

A. on B. at C. up D. in

14. Sometimes a rainbow_______ after the rain.

A. appear B. appears C. not appear D. doesn’t appears

15. My hobby is _______, so I like being in the kitchen and preparing food for my family.

A. skating B. gardening C. cooking D. dancing

16. The Smiths never_______ to their neighbors

A. talk B. talks C. don’t talk D. doesn’t talk

17. My grandfather_______ fishing very often

A. goes B. go C. don’t go D. is

18. _______ tidy your room?

A. How often are you? B. How often do you?

C. How often you D. How often does you

19. Ms Thuy water the trees _______ a week.

A. once B. one C. two D. one time

20. Lan has the same hobby _______ Nga.

A. as B. for C. of D. on

21. What _______ your nationality? I am Vietnamese.

A. is B. are C. do D. does

22. I really love making models and my brother _______ it too.

A. love B. loves C. don’t love D. doesn’t love

23. My father’s hobby is _______ stamps.

A. collect B. collecting C. collector D. collection

24. My teacher _______ very kind. We really like her.

A. is B. isn’t C. are D. aren’t

25. The train _______ at 6 am tomorrow.

A. leaves B. leave C. is leave D. don’t leave

26. If you enjoy your body to music, your hobby is _______.

A. cycling B. cooking C. bird-watching D. dancing

27. We are interested _______ gardening.

A. in B. to C. at D. from

28. My hobby is _______, so I like being in the kitchen and preparing food for my family.

A. skating B. gardening C. cooking D. dancing

29. He learned everything _______ the Internet.

A. for B. in C. of D. from

30. I don’t like chocolate. I _______ eat it.

A. never B. often C. always D. usually

31. She loves _______ very much.

A. sing B. sings C. singing D. sung

32. I think collecting old bowls is a very _______ hobby.

A. bore B. bored C. boring D. boreness

33. My uncle often gives me presents _______ special occasions.

A. in B. on C. of D. for

34. Do you have a _______ hobby?

A. difficulty B. difficulties C. difficult D. differ

35. These gifts are made _______ eggshells.

A. to B. for C. of D. at

Exercise 2. Choose the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following questions.

He started his hobby five years ago.

A. ended B. began C. finished D. collected

2. Carved eggshells are unique gifts for family and friends.

A. interesting B. beautiful C. special D. good

3. I like mountain climbing very much.

A. hate B. love C. have D. know

4. My father goes swimming twice a week.

A. once B. two times C. three times D. four times

5. My brother doesn’t like taking a picture.

A. photo B. carving C. cycling D. gardening

Exercise 3. Choose the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined words in each of the following questions.

My dad enjoys riding his bike to work.

A. loves B. likes C. hates D. watches

2. I think carving wood is a boring hobby.

A. unusual B. lovely C. difficult D. interesting

3. Your dolls are very different.

A. difficult B. interesting C. beautiful D. similar

4. Is your hobby easy?

A. interesting B. good C. difficult D. cheap

5. Roses are often very expensive on the 8th of March.

A. good B. lovely C. interesting D. cheap

Exercise 4. Fill in the blank with a suitable verb.

1. ____________ dollhouses2. ____________ stamps
3. ____________ judo4. ____________ TV
5. ____________ models6. ____________ swimming
7. ____________ a horse8. ____________ books

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences, using the –ing form of the verbs in brackets.

My brother likes ____________ coins very much. (collect)

The enjoys ____________ his bike to school. (have)

Her children dislike ____________ every morning (jog)

He likes ____________ magazines. (read)

They adore ____________ dollhouses (build)

He doesn't like ____________ on the phone. (talk)

They don’t like ____________. (cook)

She likes ____________ films. (watch)

I like ____________ up early in summer. (get)

Do Hoa and her classmate enjoy ____________ English? (learn)

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

1. We need some cardboard and ____________ to build dollhouses.

2. My sister ____________ watching action movies. They’re so exciting

3. My father often goes to the Tennis ____________ on Sunday.

4. ____________ riding is rather unusual to some people.

5. She doesn’t like working in the garden. She ____________ gardening.

6. I like ____________. I swim every day.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

I'd like ____________ to Mr Davis, please. Is he there? (speak)

Please avoid ____________ silly mistakes in this exercise. (make)

I enjoy ____________ to music while I'm doing the cooking. (listen)

They intend ____________ houses on the school playing fields. (build)

I can't stand ____________ the washing up. (do)

He wants ____________ a new computer game. (buy)

We tried ____________ you but your mobile was off. (call)

The children would love ____________ French fries. (eat)

She really loves ____________ with children. (work)

Would you mind ____________ my bag for a few minutes? (watch)

Exercise 8. Underline the correct answer.

Tom (likes / hates) doing homework. He is lazy.

2. She (fancies / doesn't fancy) the idea of staying out too late. It's too dangerous.

3. Most girls (detest / like) cockroaches.

4. Tom (likes/ doesn't like) making models. He never do it

5. We (enjoy/ hate) spending time with Jane. She is very Interesting.

6. Many people (dislike/enjoy) doing morning exercises. It is good for health.

7. Mary always (adores/dislikes) her brother. She often plays with him.

8. I (hate/like) drinking coffee. It is too bitter.

9. I don't (fancy/hate) collecting stamps. I think it's boring.

10. They really (enjoy/dislike) talking with others. They are best friends.

Exercise 9. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

I really love ____________ in the park with my friends.

2. I like ____________. I play against my dad. I also play against other people on the Internet.

3. I really like ____________ - especially in the sea.

4. I'm interested in ____________. My favourite band is T-ara from Korea.

5. I love ____________. I go to the cinema every weekend.

6. I really like ____________. I don't play it, but I watch matches on TV.

7. My hobby is ____________. I have a new camera.

8. I've just joined the local tennis ____________.

9. We could hear the lions roaring at the end of the ____________.

10. I love ____________. My favourite writer is To Hoai.

Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

1. She usually goes ________________ with her friends in the pool near her school.

2. Sarah likes ________________ She plants lots of flowers and vegetables in her home garden.

3. Every weekend, I go ________________ in my uncle's boat, or just off the shoreline.

4. In later years, he took up ________________ as a hobby. He drew watercolor landscapes.

5. My hobby is listening to ________________. It can help relax my mind.

6. I have recently started a new hobby – collecting ________________.

7. Most people take ________________ and post them on their social networking accounts.

8. Carving ________________ is a great hobby that can make you happier.

Exercise 11. Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

Science books are very ________________ for our study of the world. (use)

Ba is a famous stamp ________________. (collect)

The most popular after-school ________________ in Viet Nam are football and badminton. (act)

The city library has over 60 ________________. (employ)

The team has many talented ________________. (play)

We sat on the beach ________________ a spectacular sunset. (watch)

English is an ________________ and important subject. (interest)

They learn to play a ________________ instrument. (music)

Exercise 12. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of present simple tense.

Peter ________________ very hard. He never gets high scores. (not study)

I like oranges and she ________________ apples. (like)

My mom and my sister ________________ lunch every day. (cook)

They ________________ breakfast together every morning. (have)

They ________________ out once a week. (eat)

My father always ________________ delicious meals. (make)

Tom ________________ vegetables. (not eat)

Rosie ________________ shopping every week. (go)

________________ Miley and David ________________ to work by bus every day? (go)

________________ your ________________ parents with your decision? (agree)

It ________________ a fact that smart phone ________________ us a lot in our life. (be)/ (help)

I often ________________ to some of my favorite destinations every summer. (travel)

Our Math lesson usually ________________ at 4.00 p.m. (finish)

The reason why Susan ________________ meat is that she ________________ a vegetarian. (not eat)/ (be)

People in Ho Chi Minh City ________________ very friendly and they ________________ a lot.

(be)/ (smile)

The flight ________________ at 6 a.m every Thursday. (start)

Where ________________ that guy ________________ from? (come)

Where ________________ your mother ________________? (work)

James ________________ usually ________________ the trees. (not water)

Who ________________ the washing in your house? (do)

Exercise 13. Underline the mistake and correct it.

Bruce and Tim doesn't go swimming in the lake.

2. Hannah speak Chinese very well.

3. How often does she goes shopping in the supermarket?

4. I often gets up early to catch the bus to go to school.

5. She teach students in a local high school.

6. They doesn't own a house. They still have to rent one to live.

7. Our dogs aren't eat bones.

8. Mary's parents is very friendly and helpful.

9. Dang Van Lam am a famous goalkeeper in the National Football Team.

10. What do your brother do?

Exercise 14. Choose the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

I find making pottery is difficult because it takes me a lot of time.

A. of B. it C. making D. is difficult

2. My mum doesn’t like watch films on TV. She loves going to the cinema.

A. She B. on C. going D. watch

3. Will you take on arranging flowers in the future? – Yes, I will.

A. on B. in C. arranging D. will

4. I find carve eggshells boring because it takes a lot of time to complete one shell.

A. carve B. boring C. takes D. to

5. My brother not goes to class to learn how to paint.

A. not goes B. to C. how D. to paint

Exercise 1. Listen to the short talk twice and circle the correct answer to each of the following questions

What is Tom playing?

A. playing football B. playing basketball C. playing baseball D. playing volleyball

2. What is Nick doing?

A. playing football B. talking to his mother C. phoning to a friend D. playing volleyball

3. What is Ben doing?

A. watching TV B. listening to music C. talking to his mother D. sleeping

4. What is Kim doing?

A. playing tennis B. playing table tennis C. playing the piano D. watching television

Exercise 2. Listen to the conversation twice and decide whether the following sentences are True or False.

Mi started her hobby 3 years ago.
She shares this hobby with her mom
This hobby is difficult
Mi’s hobby is collecting glass bottles

Exercise 1. Put the dialogue into the correct order.

______________ Thanks. What else do you do in your free time?

______________ I like basketball, too. Shall we play together this Saturday morning?

______________ I really like painting.

______________ Yeah, what kinds of hobby do you have?

______________ Hey there!

______________ I’m going to the judo club.

______________ Oh, that’s really cool!

______________ Hey, what are you going?

______________ How creative you are!

______________ I also swim and play basketball.

______________ You do judo?

______________ Sounds great!

______________ Yeah, I’m a black belt of judo.

Exercise 2. Complete the conversation.

What is your hobby?

B: I enjoy collecting stamps.

A: When did you start the hobby?

B: I started my hobby when (1) _________________________________.

A: How can you find stamps?

B: I (2) _________________________________.

A: Why do you enjoy this hobby?

B: I (3) _________________________________.

How about you? What (4) _________________________________.

A: I don’t like collecting stamps. I love (5) _________________________________.

Exercise 1. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answer.

Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby. You can learn many things, such as the geography of a country from stamps. Postal stamps are a source of interesting facts and important dates about every country in the world. It makes stamp collecting become very popular.

As you look at the pages of a stamp album, you can learn interesting details of foreign customs, arts, literature, history and culture. Their colours can make you feel relaxed and happy.

Collecting stamps can become a business. If you are lucky in finding a special stamp, it will bring you some money besides knowledge and pleasure.

1. Stamp collecting is an interesting hobby because _______.

A. you can learn many things such as the geography of a country from stamps

B. stamps give you interesting facts and important dates about a country

C. it is very important to collect stamps

D. A and B are correct

2. All of the following are true EXCEPT _______.

A. stamps can make you relaxed and happy

B. stamps can make you know more

C. stamp collecting can make you famous

D. you can earn money from your collection if you are lucky

3. According to the passage, it is true to say that _______.

A. stamp collecting helps you become rich and famous

B. stamp collecting is a very popular hobby

C. stamp collectors can earn a lot of money from stamp collecting

D. stamp collecting is a hobby that costs you a lot of money

4. The word “business” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _______.

A. the activity of collecting stamps

B. the activity of selling stamps from other countries

C. the activity of buying stamps from other countries

D. the activity of buying or selling something

5. The main idea of the passage is _______.

A. the history of stamp collecting B. good things from stamp collecting

C. the ways of stamp collecting D. famous stamp collectors

Exercise 2. Read the passage and answer the questions


Mike likes to spend most of his free time at home. He is tired after work, and usually relaxes in front of the TV for an hour. Sometimes, instead of watching TV, he reads news on the Internet, and about once a week, he sends an email to his family in Vietnam.

Mike is also very musical. He enjoys playing the piano and the drums, but his favorite musical instrument to play is the guitar. He plays the guitar in a band. They usually practice at weekends, at his friend Paul’s house. In the past, they practiced in Paul’s house but his neighbor said that they were so noisy. Now they are practicing it in the garden.

1. Where does Mike like to spend his free time?


2. Does Mike like watching TV?


3. How often does he send an email to his family?


4. Where does Mike’s family live?


5. What instrument does Mike play?


6. When does Mike practice playing the guitar?


7. Why are they not practicing in Paul’s house?


8. Where are they practicing it now?


Exercise 3. Read the passage carefully, and decide whether the sentences are True or False.

Our school has a model club. The members of the club try to make water rockets. The students taking part in the club love discovering new things and learning science subjects. A water rocket doesn’t cost you much. You can use the things you have used such as empty bottles, old tyres of bicycles. The model has two main parts: the base and the rocket. The pump in the base is made up of water pipes and it can increase the pressure of water. The rocket made from empty bottles should have blades in its tail and a pointed head. These parts help the water go in the correct path as the members have planned. When we use the pump to increase the pressure of water, the rocket will take off and fly into the air. Our school club has just won the first prize on making water rockets.

1. The members of the model club have a love of science. __________

2. You can use old things to make water rockets. __________

3. It is expensive to make water rockets. __________

4. The high pressure of water can make the models fly. __________

5. We cannot control the water rockets at all. __________

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage.

I have a very interesting and (1) ______ hobby. I make short video clips with my digital camera. It was my birthday present from my parents last year. Since then, I have (2) ______ three short films. It’s great fun! I started asking my friends and relatives to take (3) ______ in the films. I have tried to write the story for my video clips. When I have finished the script, 1 make copies for the “actors”. Each scene is small and they can look at the words just (4) ______ we start filming. We film at the weekend in my neighbourhood, (5) ______ no one has to travel far. When the video clip is finished, I invite all the “actors” and we watch the film at my house.

1. A. enjoy B. enjoyed C. enjoying D. enjoyable

2. A. done B. played C. made D. watched

3. A. part B. role C. scene D. film

4. A. before B. after C. only D. until

5. A. although B. because C. but D. so

Exercise 5. Read the following passage and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

Almost everybody has some kinds of hobby. My hobbies are listening to music and watching television.

I am very fond of music. When I am free, I often listen to my favorite songs from an old cassette recorder. At weekends, I usually go to music shops in the downtown areas to buy good CDs. Of the famous pop singers, I prefer Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Madonna and Paul McCartney. I also spend an hour after dinner watching news and documentary programmes. I particularly enjoy the programme '' The World Here and There '' because it broadens my knowledge of nature and human civilizations.

I think that my hobbies are very useful. They widen my knowledge, relax my mind, and make me feel better about myself.

1. The writer’s hobbies are ____

A. listening to music and playing games. B. playing games and watching TV.

C. watching TV and listening to music. D. reading books and playing games.

2. The writer often listens to his favorite songs from ____.

A. a cassette recorder B. a laptop C. a mobile phone D. a computer

3. What does he usually do at weekends?

A. He usually listens to music with his friends. B. He usually stays at home and listens to music.

C. He usually listens to music at music shops. D. He usually goes downtown to buy CDS.

4. Why does he enjoy the programme “The World Here and There”?

A. Because he can see his most famous singers.

B. Because it widens his knowledge.

C. Because it contains some music programmes.

D. Because he prefers to listen to Paul Cartney.

Exercise 1. Make correct sentences from the words and phrases given.

We/ find/ make/ models/ very interesting/ because/ we/ should/ creative.


2. My best friend/ not/ like/ mountain climbing/ because/ he/ afraid/ heights.


3. My sister/ enjoy/ cook/ and/ make/ new dishes/ her own.


4. She/ interested / arranging flowers?


5. Alex/ keen/ photos. He/ photos/ every day.


6. Your brothers/ hate/ playing / drums?


Exercise 2. Rearrange the following words to make complete sentences.

classical/ My/ likes/ mother/ to/ music/. / Listening


2. his/ dad/ car/. / Ana’s/ washing/ hates


3. traveling/ friend/ by/ loves/ My/ plane/. / father’s


4. emails/. / writing/ I/ long/ hate


5. watching/ dislike/ films/horror/ She/ TV/. / on


6. in/ Tommy/ dancing/ the/ loves/ disco/.


7. English/. / My / speaking/ Maths/ loves/ teacher/


8. doesn’t/ early/. / friend’s/ sister/ My/ like/ getting/ up


9. the/ I/ getting/ dressed/ mornings/. / like/ in


10. a/ at/ bath/ aunt/ having/ nights/. / loves/ James’


Exercise 3. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.

I find dancing interesting.

® I think that __________________________________________________

There are four people in my family.

® My family ___________________________________________________

My father doesn’t like listening to music.

® My father hates ______________________________________________

My mother rides to work every day.

® My mother goes ______________________________________________

I like watching TV best.

® My favourite hobby __________________________________________

I find collecting glass bottles interesting.

® My hobby is _________________________________________________

7. Van's brother usually goes to work by motorbike.

® Van's brother usually rides ____________________________________

8. Linh finds playing boarding games boring.

® Linh doesn't like _____________________________________________




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    giáo án day bồi dưỡng tiếng anh 7 violet giáo án dạy hè tiếng anh 6 lên 7 giáo án dạy thêm tiếng anh 7 chương trình mới giáo án dạy thêm tiếng anh 7 thí điểm giáo án dạy thêm tiếng anh 7 thí điểm violet giáo án dạy thêm tiếng anh lớp 7 kì 2 giáo án bồi dưỡng học sinh giỏi tiếng anh 7 giáo án dạy tiếng anh lớp 7 giáo án môn tiếng anh lớp 7 giáo án phụ đạo môn tiếng anh 7 giáo án phụ đạo tiếng anh 7 giáo án phụ đạo tiếng anh 7 học kì 1 giáo án phụ đạo tiếng anh 7 thí điểm giáo án powerpoint tiếng anh 7 giáo án tích hợp môn tiếng anh 7 giáo án tích hợp môn tiếng anh 7 violet giáo án tiếng anh 10 unit 7 speaking giáo án tiếng anh 11 unit 7 reading giáo án tiếng anh 11 unit 7 speaking giáo án tiếng anh 7 giáo án tiếng anh 7 bài 12 giáo án tiếng anh 7 chương trình cũ theo công văn 5512 giáo án tiếng anh 7 chương trình mới giáo án tiếng anh 7 cũ giáo án tiếng anh 7 cũ theo công văn 5512 giáo án tiếng anh 7 hệ 10 năm giáo án tiếng anh 7 mới giáo án tiếng anh 7 mới nhất giáo án tiếng anh 7 review 1 giáo án tiếng anh 7 sách cũ giáo án tiếng anh 7 sách cũ theo công văn 5512 giáo án tiếng anh 7 sách mới giáo án tiếng anh 7 tập 1 giáo án tiếng anh 7 theo công văn 4040 giáo án tiếng anh 7 theo công văn 5512 giáo an tiếng anh 7 theo công văn 5512 violet giáo án tiếng anh 7 thí điểm giáo án tiếng anh 7 thí điểm 5512 giáo án tiếng anh 7 thí điểm cả năm giáo án tiếng anh 7 thí điểm học kỳ 2 giáo án tiếng anh 7 thí điểm minh pham giáo an tiếng anh 7 thí điểm theo công văn 5512 giáo án tiếng anh 7 thí điểm unit 11 giáo án tiếng anh 7 thí điểm unit 12 giáo án tiếng anh 7 thí điểm unit 2 giáo án tiếng anh 7 thí điểm violet giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 1 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 10 a1 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 10 getting started giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 11 b4 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 11 skill 2 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 11 travelling in the future giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 12 an overcrowded world giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 13 b1 b2 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 2 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 2 a closer look 1 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 2 a closer look 2 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 3 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 4 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 4 music and arts giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 5 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 6 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 8 b3 4 giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 8 films giáo án tiếng anh 7 unit 9 a2 giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 7 read giáo án tiếng anh 9 unit 7 write giáo án tiếng anh bài 7 lớp 6 giáo án tiếng anh lớp 10 unit 7 reading giáo án tiếng anh lớp 11 unit 7 language focus giáo án tiếng anh lớp 11 unit 7 phần writing giáo án tiếng anh lớp 11 unit 7 reading giáo án tiếng anh lớp 4 bài 7 giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 chương trình cũ giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 chương trình mới giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 học kì 2 giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 kì 2 giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 mới giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 sách mới giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 thí điểm giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 thí điểm trọn bộ giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 thí điểm unit 4 giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 trọn bộ giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 unit 1 giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 unit 1 back to school giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 unit 1 my hobbies giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 unit 10 sources of energy giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 unit 2 giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 unit 3 at home giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 unit 6 giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 unit 8 giáo án tiếng anh lớp 7 violet giáo án tiếng anh lớp 8 unit 7 pollution giáo án tiếng anh lớp 9 unit 7 language focus giáo án tiếng anh lớp 9 unit 7 read giáo án tiếng anh thí điểm lớp 7 cả năm giáo án trải nghiệm sáng tạo môn tiếng anh 7 giáo án tự chọn tiếng anh 7 thí điểm giáo án điện tử tiếng anh 8 unit 7 read soạn giáo án tiếng anh 7 đáp án sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 7



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