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TUYỂN TẬP Đề tiếng anh lớp 12 chương trình mới : BỘ ĐỀ KIỂM TRA THƯỜNG XUYÊN TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 GLOBAL THEO TỪNG UNIT 2024-2025 được soạn dưới dạng file word gồm các file, thư mục trang. Các bạn xem và tải đề tiếng anh lớp 12 chương trình mới về ở dưới.
Unit 1- Test 3

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1
: A. sight B. rice C. ship D. time

Question 2: A. growth B. three C. feather D. thing

Mark the letter А, B., C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate theword that differsfrom the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3:
A. chemistry B. badminton C. decision D. applicant

Question 4: A. finish B. divide C. attend D. employ

Mark the letter А, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5
: Janet is not happy because her results in the competition are_____than her sister's.

A. bad B. good C. better D. worse

Question 6: You can sing this song, ......?

A. haven't you B. didn’t you C. can’t you D. won’t you

Question 7: They.......hiking in spite of the bad weather.

A. turned down B. looked after C. went on D. took off

Question 8: Jack agreed.......children out for an ice cream.

A. taken B taking C. to take D. take

Question 9: We ________ TV when it started to rain.

A. are watching B. have watched C. had watched D. were watching

Read the following advertisement/announcement and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 10 to 15.

PETERBOROUGH MANOR-------------Guest Attendant (Part Time)
A P.S.W guest attendant is required at Peterborough Manor.
Must be available (10)________shift work and every other weekend. Previous housekeeping experience is required. Experience with seniors preferred. Police check is required.
Resumes for this position may be forwarded in confiden___ mail to: Administrator, Peterborough Manor, 1039 Water St., Peterborough, ON. K9H 3P5
Thank you for your interest. Only (12)_________selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please.
Question 10. A. on B. at C. for D. with

Question 11. A. the B. a C. an D. 0

Question 12. A. officers B. candidates C. employees D. students


In an effort to make Stetton Court an even better to live, we will be making a number of improvements to the building in the months ahead. The first major step will be the replacement of two pipes running between the basement and eighth floor. The work (13)_______on May 28 and is expected to be completed on June 9. Since structural alterations to the building will be required, please be advised that there will be noise during the construction phases of the project.
Furthermore, the washing machines and dryers will be (14)________from the laundry room in the basement on June 8. This will provide the workers with enough space to carry out their work. The laundry room will then be closed until after the project has been completed. Tenants who use this facility may wish to call ACE Laundry at 555-9980 for commercial laundry service .
If you should have any questions (15)_______concerns related to the construction or other planned improvements, please contact the property manager at 555-4771
We apologize for any inconvenience
Stetton Court Management
Question 13. A. will begin B. has began C. is beginning D. have begun

Question 14. A. installed B. displayed C.put D. removed

Question 15. A. and B. or C. but D. So

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct arrangement of the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph/letter in each of the following questions.

Question 16

Next, could you inform me if SGV Vocational school offers any discounts for students who are financially disadvantaged.

b. Finally, I would like to enquire about the daily wage for the apprenticeship provided by SGV Vocational School. It would be great if you could provide me with more information.

c.Dear Sir

I am writing to ask more information about applying for the tour guide training courses offered by SGV Vocational School.

d. Firstly, lease let me know if there are any particular requirements for admittance, such as passing a test, in order to join in the tour guide training courses.

e. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

A. c-b-a-d-e B. c-d-b-a-e C. d-b-a-c-e D. c-d-a-b-e

Question 17

Sounds good! Now let’s decide on a social issue. Is the top problem facing teens today peer pressure, body shaming, or bullying?

c. Hmm. I think this time we should focus on a problem teens struggle with every day because this won't be a big campaign. However, we'll try to use your ideas for another project, Mai.

b. Well, bullying, peer pressure, and body shaming, for instance, are major problems among teenagers today although many people don’t feel comfortable talking about them.

d. I agree with you. Hmm... so Mark, what do you think? Should we focus our campaign on a general social issue or one affecting mainly teens?

e. Can you give us some examples?

f. I think it’s bullying because it’s very common today, and ...

A. b-e-d-a-c-f B. e-b-d-c-a-f C. f-d-a-e-b-c D. b-d-e-a-f--c

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 18 to 23.

Currently, body shaming of others is quite common, especially in cyberspace. This English term (18)_________________: Body shaming is the act of one person (19)_________"disparage" another person's appearance and body through actions such as: Using language, gestures, etc. to disparage, mock, evaluate, judge, etc. maliciously about another person's appearance.

(20)________________________ can easily cause the victim to become depressed and even seek death (21)___________ inferiority, guilt, or having their dignity and honor violated. Body shaming is common nowadays, especially on social networks such as Facebook, Zalo, TikTok, etc. Disparaging others or body shaming can just come from a joke like "fat like a pig, have you gotten fat lately? But the act of body shaming can also mean insulting the honor and dignity of others, such as: being so fat/ugly, you still want to compete in a beauty pageant; being stupid as cattle.

Body shaming statements, (22)___________, also bring negative thoughts to others and are "invisible weapons" that hurt others. And in particular, body shaming of others (23)_____________ on social networks as well as in everyday life.

Question 18.

can understood as follows B. can be understood as follows

C. be understood as follows D.can be understanding as follows

Question 19

to the aim of B. which aim from C. The aim of D. aiming to

Question 20.

The act of criticizing others with a negative meaning

B. The act of criticize others with a negative meaning

C. The action of criticizing others with a negative meaning

D. The negative meaning on the act of criticizing other

Question 21.

which have had a devastating impact on B. because the feelings of

C. which have a devastating impact on D.because of feelings of

Question 22.

unintentionally or intentionally B.unintentionally or intentional

C. unintentional or intentional D.unintentional or intentionally

Question 23.

A. happen very commonly B. have been happening very commonly

C. has been happening very common D. has been happening very commonly

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 24 to 28.

For thousands of years, people have interacted with ecosystems. Many cultures developed around nearby ecosystems. Many Native American tribes of North Americas Great Plains developed a complex lifestyle based (24)_________the native plants and animals of plains ecosystems, for instance. Bison, a large grazing animal native to the Great Plains, became the most important biotic factor in many Plains Indians cultures, such as the Lakota or Kiowa. Bison are sometimes mistakenly (25)__________ buffalo. These tribes used buffalo hides for shelter and clothing, buffalo meat for food, and buffalo horn for tools. The tallgrass prairie of the Great Plains supported bison herds, (26)_________ tribes followed throughout the year.

As human populations have grown, (27)_________, people have overtaken many ecosystems. The tallgrass prairie of the Great Plains, for instance, became farmland. As the ecosystem shrunk, fewer bison could survive. Today, a few herds survive in (28)_________ecosystems such as Yellowstone National Park.

Question 25. A. called B. named C. displayed D. showed

Question 26. A. that B. which C. whom D. who

Question 27. A. moreover B. such as C. however D. though

Question 28. A. protecting B. protected C. protection D. protective

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct option that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 29 to 33.

Fish that live on the sea bottom benefit by being flat and hugging the contours. There are two very

different types of flatfish and they have evolved in very separate ways. The skates and rays, relatives of the sharks have become flat in what might be called the obvious way. Their bodies have grown out sideways to form great “wings”. They look as though they have been flattened but have remained symmetrical and “the right way up”. Conversely fish such as plaice, sole, and halibut have become flat in a different way. There are bony fish which have a marked tendency to be flattened in a vertical direction; they are much “taller” than they are wide. They use their whole vertically flattened bodies as swimming surfaces, which undulate through the water as they move. Therefore when their ancestors migrated to the seabed, they lay on one side than on their bellies. However, this raises the problem that one eye was always looking down into the sand and was effectively useless - In evolution this problem was solved by the lower eye “moving” around the other side. We see this process of moving around enacted in the development of every young bony flatfish. It starts life swimming near the surface, and is symmetrical and vertically flattened, but then the skull starts to grow in a strange asymmetrical twisted fashion, so that one eye for instance the left, moves over the top of the head upwards, an old Picasso - like vision. Incidentally, some species of 20 flatfish settle on the right side, others on the left, and others on either side.

Question 29. The passage is mainly concerned with _______.

A. symmetrical flatfish B. bony flatfish

C. evolution of flatfish D. different types of flatfish

Question 30. It can be inferred from the passage that horizontal symmetrical fish _______.

A. have one eye each side of the head B. have one eye underneath the head

C. have two eyes on top of the head D. have eyes that move around the head

Question 31. The word “conversely” is closest in meaning to _______.

Similarly B. Alternatively C. Inversely D. Contrarily

Question 32. The word “this” refers to _______.

A. the migration of the ancestors

B. the practice of lying on one side

C. the problem of the one eye looking downwards

D. the difficulty of the only one eye being useful

Question 33. According to the passage, the ability of a bony flatfish to move its eyes around is _______.

A. average B. excellent C. weak D. variable

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions

Hawaii is often considered to be one place in the world where you can find paradise. But when I arrived in Hawaii, I was shocked to discover beaches were covered in plastic rubbish washed up from around the world. As I dug through the sand, I realised the sandy beach was being transformed into a plastic beach. A chill went down my spine. From the beaches of Hawaii to the seas around Britain, we are polluting our own environment.

Beaches are now covered in more rubbish than ever before. The plastic we see on our beaches is just a small amount of the plastic waste that exists in our oceans. Scientists believe that sea currents have created five huge garbage areas in our oceans, including the one in the North Atlantic. This is a global problem for which we are all responsible.

Plastic makes our life easier, but its production and use are completely out of control. Because plastic rubbish in the oceans looks like food, it is being eaten by small fish, which in turn is eaten by large fish, which in turn is eaten by us. Plastic is damaging our beaches, polluting the oceans, and poisoning our food chain. The consequences are still not fully understood, but they are likely to be terrible.

We need to stop using plastic bags for packaging and single-use water bottles. These make up most of the plastic garbage in the oceans. In Bangladesh and Kenya, they have stopped using plastic bags completely. The UK has put a tax on plastic bags. Many supermarkets around the world are not packing goods in plastic.

The future of our beaches, our seas, and the food chain is at risk. This is an environmental problem that we need to solve immediately.

(Adapted from Headway by Soars, Soars and Hancock)​

Question 34: Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Common Plastic Products B. A Green Lifestyle

C. Benefits of Plastic Products D. A Planet Poisoned by Plastic

Question 35: The word transformed in paragraph 1 is opposite in meaning to_______.

A. changed B. kept C. checked D. broken

Question 36: The word they in paragraph 3 refers to_______.

A. beaches B. fish C. consequences D. oceans

Question 37: According to paragraph 4, both Bangladesh and Kenya_______..

A. have used more and more plastic bags. B. have produced a lot of plastic bags.

C. do not use plastic bags any more. D. encourage the use of plastic bags.

Question38: Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Hawaii is protected from plastic rubbish.

B. One huge garbage area in the oceans is in the North Atlantic.

C. The UK has introduced a tax on plastic bags.

D. Production and use of conưol. plastic are now out of control.

Question 39: The phrase at risk in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to_______.

A. refused B. accepted C. threatened D. developed

Question 40: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. The environment in Hawaii was not as good as the writer had expected.

B. There is far more plastic waste on the beaches than in the oceans.

C. Plastic helps maintain the natural food chain in the oceans.

D. People in the past were more concerned about the effects of plastic waste.

---------------THE END----------------



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