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ĐỀ Ôn thi học sinh giỏi tiếng anh 12 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN, FILE NGHE NĂM 2023-2024 được soạn dưới dạng file word, audio gồm 3 file trang. Các bạn xem và tải về ở dưới.


There are 4 parts in this section. You will hear each part TWICE

Part 1. You are going to listen to a conversation. Listen and circle the correct answer (A, B or C for each question.

What will wake people up in the home of the future?

A. Body temperature. B. The sound of an alarm clock. C. The movement of the bed.

2. What will shoes be able to do by themselves?

A. Walk faster. B. Play music. C. Float on air.

3. What kind of clothes will people be wearing?

A. Clothes that make us more intelligent. B. Clothes that can interpret how we are feeling.
C. Clothes that are powered by electricity.

4. What can the house do?

A. Control the shower temperature. B. Turn off the taps. C. Wash your back.

5. What will the Internet be able to do?

A. Understand when you are worried B. Project what’s in your fridge. C. Help find something you’ve lost.

Part 2. You will hear a man called Steve and a woman called Caroline talking about summer jobs. Listen and decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F). Check (√) the appropriate boxes.

6. Steve hasn’t arranged any work for the summer yet.
7. Caroline’s work will allow her to have free time during the day.
8. Caroline’s work will be located in a city.
9. Caroline found out about the job from the internet.
10. Caroline says that work at music festivals is badly paid.

Part 3: You will hear someone talking on the radio about a Language Study Fair. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.



Example: Answer
Reason for call: problems with WEBSITE

Name: 11________________ Freeman

Title of book: 12________________

Author: Richard 13_________________

Type of book: 14________________

Price: 15 £_______________

Payment method: 16 _______________

Delivery address: 17_______________ , London N22

Delivery type: 18 _______________

Delivery date: 19 _______________

Delivery instructions:

If out leave with a 20 _________________

Part 4: You are going to listen to an interview and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to answer the questions.

21. How did Charles feel about space travel as a boy?

A. He thought it was unlikely to happen. B. He regarded it as more than science fiction.

C. He was fascinated by the idea of it. D. He showed no particular interest in it.

22. What did Charles consider to be the hardest part of the training?

A. feeling trapped in the heavy spacesuit B. endlessly practising the lunar surface landing

C. constantly being afraid of making a mistake D. being unable to move his arms and hands

23. What was Charles’s reaction when he first found out he was going to the moon?

A. He realised he had to be cautious. B. He felt proud to be given the opportunity.

C. He tried to control his excitement. D. He reflected on his chances of survival.

24. How did the crew feel when they had landed on the moon?

A. They felt as if they were coming home.

B. They realized they had achieved something special.

C. They were afraid of what they might find on the surface.

D. They were worried about how they would take off again.

25. What feature of the moon made the greatest impact on Charles?

A. the brightness of the sun B. the vastness of the sky C. the loneliness of the place D. the absence of any stars


Part 1: Choose one word or phrase which best completes each sentence. Circle its corresponding letter A, B, C, or D to indicate your answer.

26. You can't believe a word that woman says – she is a _____ liar.

A. dedicated B. devoted C. committed D. compulsive

27. There can be no _____ fixes or magic solutions to the problem of unemployment.

A. fast B. speedy C. quick D. sudden

28. When you come down the hill, do drive slowly because it is not _____ obvious where the turning is.

A. immediately B. directly C. instantaneously D. quite

29. At her trial in 1431, Joan of Arc was accused of being in _____ with the devil.

A. cooperation B. association C. league D. conjunction

30. The flights are full at the moment, so you'll have to _____.

A. run a stroke of luck B. get a better luck C. be down on your luck D. take pot luck

31. I heard ______ that Jack has been dropped from the basketball team.

A. in the woods B. on the grapevine C. under your feet D. on the olive branch

32. Many habitats change ________ the types of plants and animals that live there.

A. with respect to B. in respect for C. as for D. as against

33. Unfortunately some really ill animals have to be _______ by our center.

A. put down B. turned over C. passed away D. taken out

34. John first dabbled _____ buying old maps for his collection.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

35. It's a matter of urgency to put right at once but nothing suitable _____ to mind.

A. returns B. emerges C. sprouts D. springs

36. When my father was a young student, they were taught to memorize information and _____ it for exams. Thankfully, those teaching techniques have become outdated.

A. pinpoint B. dock C. regurgitate D. revise

37. He was arrested for trying to pass _____ notes at the bank.

A. counterfeit B. fake C. camouflaged D. fraudulent

38. Living in the countryside is a far cry from reading about it. It _____. You have to deal with _____ poverty and go through the bad patch.

A. is of crass stupidity/ grueling B. is no mean feat/ grinding

C. goes against the grain/ abject D. dwindles away to nothing/ extreme

39. He had his money _____ in a secure bank account.

A. hammered away at B. jabbered about C. slaved away D. squirreled away

40. The train service has been a _____ since they introduced the new schedules.

A. shambles B. rumpus C. chaos D. fracas

41. 'The film was pretty bad, wasn't it?' – 'Yes, I think it was _____'.

A. exemplary B. excruciating C. expeditious D. explicit

42. When the forces on an object are balanced, you can say that the object is in _____.

A. collusion B. equilibrium C. collision D. incubation

43. There were a number of strong candidates for the post but Peter's experience _____ the scales in his favor.

A. weighted B. tipped C. balanced D. overturned

44. We are conscious that sleeplessness usually _____ those who are exposed to a great deal of stress, anxiety or depression.

A. betrays B. bestows C. besets D. bemoans

45. I think that the artist's cartoons are usually rather ______ as they are intended to appeal to a mass number of audiences.

A. lowbrow B. highbrow C. dearly D. impenetrable

Part 2: Use the word given in CAPITAL at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Write your answers in the space provided.

It is no 46. ______________ to say that the world has become a global village. Modern methods of 47. ______________ have made the world much smaller and the problems we face, such as 48. ______________ are not restricted to this country. The 49. ______________ of the rainforests in Brazil is everyone's problem and the 50. ______________ which is common in many African countries is a challenge for Europe too. The 51. ______________ of rare species is a tragedy for the planet as a whole and the 52. ______________ of oil supplies will shake the 53. ______________ of the world's economy.
The 54. ______________ of the environment is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. However , uncontrolled economic competition between strong and weak nations leads to the creation of greater 55. ______________ between the rich and poor nations of the world.
Part 3: Fill in the gap in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or particle. Write your answers in the space provided.

Sandwiches make a delicious snack any time. They are a common sight (56)__________ picnics and teas. Interestingly enough, the sandwich is the invention (57) __________ an eighteen century English Earl called John Montagu. Montagu was addicted (58) _____________ card games. He would play these games (59) _____________ his friends for long stretches of time. Often, he even found it too bothersome to stop his games (60) ______________ meals.

One day, (61) _________________ the middle of a game, Montagu was served a meal of sliced meat with bread. At that time, Montagu was playing the game that required its players to cover cards one on top of another. As Montagu looked at both the game and his food, an idea came (62) ____________ his mind.

"I can do the same with my food as well," he thought.

He took a slice of bread, placed a piece of meat on it and covered that with another slice of bread. Montagu was very pleased (63)____________ his invention because it allowed him to play cards with one hand and eat his meal with the other.

Montagu's friends quickly caught (64) ____________ to his idea and they named the new invention (65) ___________ him. As Montagu's full title was 'the Earl of Sandwich', the new invention became known as a 'sandwich'.


Part 1: Read the text and circle one correct answer A, B, C or D that best fits each blank.


If you want your daughter to succeed, buy her a toy construction set. That is the advice from Britain’s (66) _____________ female engineers and scientists. Marie-Noelle Barton, who heads an Engineering Council campaign to encourage girls into science and engineering, maintains that some of Britain’s most successful women have had their careers (67) _____________ by the toys they played with as children. Even girls who end (68) _____________ nowhere near a microchip or microscope could benefit from a better (69) _____________ of science and technology.

‘It’s a (70) _____________ of giving them experience and confidence with technology so that when they are (71) _____________ with a situation requiring some technical know-how, they feel they can handle it and don’t just (72) _____________ defeat immediately,’ says Mrs Barton. ‘I believe that lots of girls feel unsure of themselves when it comes (73) _____________ technology and therefore they might be losing out on jobs because they are reluctant even to apply for them.’

Research recently carried (74) _____________ suggests that scientific and constructional toys should be (75) _____________ to girls from an early age, otherwise the result is ‘socialisation’ into stereotypically female roles, which may explain why relatively few girls study science and engineering at university in Britain.

66. A. foremost B. uppermost C. predominant D. surpassing

67. A. styled B. shaped C. built D. modeled

68. A. in B. by C. on D. up

69. A. hold B. grasp C. insight D. realization

70. A. matter B. situation C. state D. cause

71. A. approached B. encountered C. presented D. offered

72. A. admit B. allow C. receive D. permit

73. A. for B. to C. from D. with

74.A. off B. through C. forward D. out

75. A. accessible B. feasible C. reachable D. obtainable

Part 2: Read the passage and fill in one word that best fits each space. Write your answers in the space provided.


Is your school just as you want it to be? Or are there things you and your classmates (76) _____________ change, given the opportunity? This is your chance to express your ideas about (77) _____________ the ideal school is like. Our competition is open to any student between the ages of twelve and eighteen. You can enter (78) _____________ an individual or your whole class can work together on a team entry. Your entry can take any form a piece of writing, a picture, or even architectural plans. It is completely (79) _____________ to you. What we are looking for is evidence (80) _____________ originality, imagination and, above (81_____________ the genuine views of young people.

By (82) _____________ part in this, you will help in a study being carried out at a leading university. All work entered (83) _____________ the competition will be kept at the university and used in research. Entries cannot be returned (84) _____________ of this. But it also means that, even

(85) _____________ you do not win, your views will still be heard and will remain for future educationalists to study.

Entries must reach us no later than Friday 30 April. Winners will receive valuable prizes of computer equipment and software for their schools.

Part 3: Read the following passage then circle the best choice to the statement. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D.

The hard, rigid plates that form the outermost portion of the Earth are about 100 kilometers thick




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